The aim of this paper is the implementation and the experimental validation of a constant switching fre-quency hysteresis current controller as a part of an active filtering system control algorithm, based on the indirect current control. The classical choices in the literature are the hysteresis current controller and the PI controller both with their corresponding advantages and disadvantages. A solution which achieves the advantages of both classical hysteresis and PI controllers is the constant switching fre-quency hysteresis current controller. This controller can be obtained by combining the hysteresis comparators with the PWM suboptimal modulator. The performances of the ac-tive filtering system based on the indirect current control and the proposed controller are compared with the corre-sponding performances obtained by the same system im-plemented with the well documented PI current controller. The regulator implementation and performance compara-tive study were accomplished on a comprehensive experi-mental active filtering system based on the dSpace DS1103 prototyping board. |