Design of Separately Windings Control System of Series/Compound DC Traction Motors


This paper focuses on the problem of the control system of Series/Compound DC motor in both areas of speed adjustment. Traditional field weakening is achieved by means of resistances  and contactors wich  inserting  and/or shunting in  field circuits. It is characterized by shock currents, torque and speed as well as by increased energy consumption. To eliminate these disavantages  paper proposes separate control of  armature,  series and shunt windings  of Series/Compound DC motor and supply their own power converters. Keeping hyperbolic mechanical characteristic of these motors requires setting the series field  current equal to or less than armature current. Developed control system is equipped with a single loop for series field and two loops for armature with a  current and speed controllers. Imposing series excitation current required is achieved through a special computer based on actual values ​​of current and rotor speed. Control system design was made based on a mathematical model and   use  of default instrument of Matlab-Simulink for tuning of PID controllers. Simulation results demonstrate the system’s ability to control separate windings for continuous speed adjustment in both areas, strictly limiting the rotor current, reducing energy consumption and ensuring the imposed  performance indicators. The proposed control method is recommended for use in electric images