Performance Analysis of a Rotor Flux-Oriented Control in Induction Traction Motor


The superiority of using field-oriented control in electric drive systems based on induction motor has been proven over the years. To increase efficiency, maintainability, reliability and dynamic performance, modern electric traction systems use induction motors. In this context, this paper is focused on the performance determination and analyzing of the rotor flux-oriented control with voltage control, on an induction traction motor, in order to its implementation. First, the control scheme and calculation fundamentals are presented. Then, after the entire system modeling in Simulink environment, the performance of the system in dynamic and steady-state regimes is presented by simulating the operation of a real traction motor at three prescribed speeds. Also, a specific phenomenon of electric locomotives, respectively the passage of wheels over the rail joints is taking into account. To determine the performances, the results obtained from simulating the acceleration process by prescribing a speed ramp, operating in steady-state regime and then electric braking with energy recovery were analyzed. In the paper, three situations are presented: the prescription of a low speed, about 20 % of the nominal speed, of the highest speed, about 160 % of the nominal speed and of three speed steps up to the nominal speed. The analysis of the results leads to the conclusion that there is a very accurate tracking of the prescribed quantities by the actual quantities controlled in the system. It is also highlighted that the peak current through the motor does not exceed its limiting value and the switching frequency of the power electronic devices is lower than the imposed limit value. The analysis of steady-state performance shows that it is also very good.

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