Simulations and Tests Regarding the Operation of Air Heaters for Industrial Buildings


This paper presents a series of simulations for the operation of a reluctance synchronous motor with continuous rotation (RSM), used for air heaters heating industrial buildings. The introduction aims at presenting the domain we analyze. On this occasion, several possibilities for mounting air heaters for industrial buildings are specified. Their operating methods are specified, with emphasis on the case of the reluctance synchronous motors. The mathematical model of these motors, written in the two axes theory, is detailed below; the significance of the quantities used is specified. With the help of this model, a Matlab program was carried out, for simulating the dynamic regimes, specific to the driving motor of air heaters. The paper presents a series of simulations, obtained by means of this program. The simulations regard a fault situation, materialized in an accidental decrease of the motor supply voltage. The graphs obtained refer to the main electrical, mechanical and magnetic quantities specific to the motor. They are accompanied by several relevant conclusions that emphasize the behavior of the motor in the analyzed dynamic regime. The following aspects are regarded: the evolution of the operation point, the influence on the phase current, the influence on the magnetization flux and the rotor speed. These characteristics were experimentally confirmed (indirectly) by emphasizing, in steady state, the evolution of the phase current for the initial and fault cases. The paper ends with references, organized in the order of citations.

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