Analyzing of the Air Preheater Operation of the Steam Generators in Power Plants


The paper presents, in the firs part, the importance of the steam generator in the operation of power plants, especially, the importance of the air preheater, the last heat exchange surface on the route of the flue gas, with all physical phenomena produced, which lead to the shaping of the physical model. Then is presented the model in relative units imposed by the literature. The paper proposes the development of a mathematical model in absolute units and the simulation the operation of the air preheater of the steam generator. The theoretical model proposed is implemented in Matlab-Simulink obtained simulations in dynamic regime. In order to validate de model, the simulation results were compared with the parameters measured values of the installations during the real time function. The model wants eliminating the major recalculation sequence of parameters at each step – the patterns in relative units the entire set of coefficients are determined and entered into the model according to the parameters achieved in the previous reference system and meet operating values taken as the basis in developing the work. The approach of such a study is justifies by the development and use of computer technology and digital media communication in dynamic analysis of energy processes. images