The Load Influence on the Diagnosis of the Three-Phase Rectifier by Using the Analytical Model Method


For the operation of the static power converters, the experience of an expert is absolutely necessary for competitive operation. Minor faults or defects of the elements of the static power converters can lead to ravaging effects both for the other components as well as other equipment from their operating system. The paper proposes a diagnosis method based on the analytic model which investigates the output waveforms of a three-phase rectifier supplying two types of loads: a passive RLC load and a variable DC drive.  Two types of possible faults of the switches are considered: interrupted and short circuit. For identifying the defective components, the waveforms corresponding for different faults are stored in an information database in order to be compared with the ones corresponding to normal operation.. Another solved problem in this article refers to the influence’s analysis of the defect propagation in the driving system. There are analyzed the waveforms corresponding of the different faults for different types of loads including a passive RLC load and a variable DC drive. For the both types of faults, important oscillations of the output voltage of the static power converter are noticed which can damage the load, but also, determine the additional stress to other healthy switches. images