Extended Study Regarding Sustained Transfer Rate for 802.11 Wi-Fi Communications With Partially Overlapped Channels Interference


This paper extends the pervious studies of the authors on the 802.11 Wi-Fi Communication regarding the influence on the sustained transfer rate caused by the existence of the Partially Overlapped Channels (POCs) interference. The main influence in this situation is the reducing of the sustain transfer rate caused by increasing number of the rejected cell, lost cells and delayed packets. The maximum channel throughput is dramatically reduced in the presence of the adjacent and eventually co-channels interference. The usual solution to this problem is the increasing of the distance between the wireless access points or increasing of the channel spacing. Our study proposes a better solution combining those two methods. For achieving the optimum solution first we make the necessary studies regarding the physical distance influence and the channel spacing influence to the interference. For this goal the test bed solution was redesigned in order of achieving the optimum measurements for sustained transfer rate.  Our contribution is related to the new perspective on the sustained transfer rate analysis and optimum parameter setup in the presence of the interference. The new data observations related to the maximum throughput, lost cells and average cell delays also could contribute to the optimum Wi-Fi coverage planning. Finally we made a personal interpretation of to the data measured in the laboratory. images