

PROJECT No. 155/20.07.2017




Hybrid power source for pseudo-satellites (HYPOPS)


Project Structure





2017 Stage I: Advanced documentation on the current state of the art for pseudo-satellite power sources.


I.1. Advanced documentation on the integration of energy systems for pseudosatellites

I.2. Advanced documentation on the implementation of pseudo-satellite fuel cells

I.3. Advanced documentation on the implementation of photovoltaic panels on pseudo-satellites

I.4. Critical analysis of the architectural possibilities of the power source; defining performance criteria; choosing the right one

I.5. Define parameters and performance for the power source experimental model (reference development)

2018 Stage II: Elaboration of numerical simulation models. Design and realization of experimental model.


II.1. Development of theoretical models and numerical simulations for fuel cell and electrolyzer

II.2. Development of theoretical models and numerical simulations for the photovoltaic source

II.3. Development of theoretical models and numerical simulations for the conversion and power management system

II.4. Integration of simulation models of experimental model components

II.5. Fuel cell  and electrolyzer system design

II.6. Fuel system and electrolyzer realization

II.7. Photovoltaic system design

II.8. Realization of photovoltaic system

II.9. Design of conversion systems

II.10. Implementation of conversion systems

II.11. Design of power management systems

II.12. Implementation of power management systems

2018 Stage III: P.I.F. and testing experimental hybrid power source model for pseudo-satellites.


III.1. P.I.F and fuel cell and electrolyzer system testing

III.2. P.I.F. and photovoltaic system testing

III.3. P.I.F. and testing conversion systems

III.4. P.I.F. and power management system testing

III.5. P.I.F. and test system experimental model of the power source; demonstrating the utility of the developed technical solution