Submission of Camera Ready Papers

To accomplish the submission of Camera ready form of your paper, please follow the steps bellow:

 1. Improve the paper according to the reviewer comments

Before preparing the Camera Ready form of your paper please revise it according to the comments of reviewers received with the individual acceptance e-mail. The comments are also available in your author account at http://elth.ucv.ro/icate/register/openconf.php using your paper ID and password

Do not forget to provide index terms taken in the IEEE Taxonomy in order to have your paper referenced accurately in the main scientific data bases.

Important notice about plagiarism: Please be advised about the IEEE plagiarism policy available here   or read the IEEE Plagiarism tutorial available here


2. Follow strictly the IEEE guidelines for preparing camera-ready papers for the conference proceedings

Important notice: Please include on the bottom of the first page the IEEE Copyright notice as in the updated MS Word template available here


3. Create the PDF file according to the instructions available here using IEEE PDF eXpress website


4. Submit the PDF file of the Camera Ready paper using your author account at the conference register site:  http://elth.ucv.ro/icate/register/openconf.php using your paper ID and password


5. Copyright

Fulfill, sign and email a copy of the IEEE copyright form available here.