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Annals of the University of Craiova, Series : Electrical Engineering - 2019
Identification and Sensorless Control Using Embedded System of PMSM Based on FOC Strategy and Power Factor Correction – Claudiu-Ionel Nicola, Marcel Nicola
Determining Idle Running and Short-Circuit Operating Characteristics of an Asynchronous Traction Motor – Raluca-Cristina Presură (Nicolae), Marian-Ştefan Nicolae, Sorin Enache, Ion Vlad
On the Thermographic Analysis and Thermal Resistance Estimation of the Capacitor-Run Single-Phase Induction Motors – Adrian Dănilă, Radu Mihai Campeanu
Deploying Renewable Energy Sources and Energy Storage Systems to Achieve Energy Security in the R. of Moldova – Ion Comendant, Iulia Prepeliţă, Lilia Turcuman
Sensorless Adaptive and Predictive Control of PMSM Based on FOC Strategy – Marcel Nicola, Claudiu-Ionel Nicola
Harmonics Based Clustering Patterns Featured by the Final Nodes of a WPT tree – Lucian Cristian Scărlătescu, Ileana-Diana Nicolae, Petre-Marian Nicolae, Marian Ştefan Nicolae, Anca Purcaru
Operational Aspects of an Auxiliary Converter Used in Railway Applications – Radu Florin Marinescu, Adrian Hurezeanu, Petre Marian Nicolae, Diana-Cristina Marinescu
Rehabilitation of Wastewater Treatment Plant Gardabani – Moldovan Artiom, Ilie Nucă
Modified Petri Nets for Hybrid Systems Modeling – a Case Study – Mircea Adrian Drighiciu, Daniel Cristian Cismaru
Achievement of Current Pulses of High Amplitude Using a Voltage Pulse Generator – Ion Pătru, Marcel Nicola, Maria Cristina Nitu
Tuning the PID Controller to the Model of Object with Inertia Second Order According to the Maximum Stability Degree Method with Iteration – Bartolomeu Izvoreanu, Irina Cojuhari, Ion Fiodorov, Adrian Secrieru
Contributions Regarding the Modernization of the Anti-Hail Rocket Launcher Monitoring System – Gheorghe Manolea, Ionel Laurenţiu Alboteanu, Alexandru Novac, Constantin Şulea Iorgulescu, Sorin Stepan
A Cost-Effective Smart Irrigation System For Water Reduction – Constantin-Florin Ocoleanu, Adrian-Mihai Nechita
Determination of the Dielectric Stresses that Appear in the Windings of aLlightning Impulse Autotransformer – Maria Cristina Nitu, Marcel Nicola
Comparison between Fuzzy Controller and Classical Methods for Determining the Degree of Polymerization – Maria Cristina Nitu, Ancuţa-Mihaela Aciu, Claudiu-Ionel Nicola
Parameter Identification of Transformers and Transmission Lines Based on PMU Measurements –Ecaterina Murdid, Ion Stratan
Graphical User Interface to Plot the Torque Speed Curves of Multiples Cage Induction Motor –Gabriela Dana Petropol Şerb, Ion Petropol Şerb
Qualitative Analysis for Faults Diagnosis of a Driving System with Static Converter – Virginia Ivanov, Maria Brojboiu, Sergiu Ivanov
Numerical Modeling of Heat Transfer Through Multilayer Walls of a Building, in Stationary and Non-stationary Regimes – Ioana-Gabriela Sîrbu, Radu-Cristian Dinu, Dan-Gabriel Stănescu
Analysis of Load Demand and Economic Assessment Based on Weather Forecasting in Green Buildings – Ihsan Mizher Baht, Petre Marian Nicolae, Marian Ştefan Nicolae, Ileana Diana Nicolae