Articole publicate in jurnale ISI
- Grigorie, T.L., Botez, R.M., A
new method to reduce the noise of the miniaturized inertial
sensors disposed in redundant
linear configurations,
Aeronautical Journal of the Royal Aeronautical Society, ISSN 0001-9240, Volume: 117, Issue: 1188,
Pp. 111-132, 2013.
- Lungu, M., Lungu, R., Grigorie, T.L. Automatic Control of Aircraft in Longitudinal Plane During
Landing, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems,
ISSN: 0018-9251, Volume: 49, Issue: 2, pp. 1338 – 1350, 2013.
- Grigorie, T.L.,
Botez, R.M., Lungu, M., Edu, I.R., Obreja, R. MEMS Gyro Performance
Improvement through Bias Correction over Temperature using an Adaptive
Neural Network trained Fuzzy Inference System, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G:
Journal of Aerospace Engineering,
ISSN 0954/4100, September 2012,
Vol. 226(9), pp. 1121-1138, doi:10.1177/0954410011417671.
- Lungu, R., Lungu,
M., Grigorie, T.L., ALSs with
Conventional and Fuzzy Controllers Considering Wind Shears and Gyro
Errors, Journal of Aerospace Engineering, ISSN 0893-1321, Manuscript code: ASENG-375,
doi:10.1061/(ASCE)AS.1943-5525.0000207, Posted ahead of print 14 January
2012 (accepted – in course of publication).
publicate in ISI proceedings
- Edu, I.R., Lita, D., Obreja,
R., Grigorie, T.L., Micro and nano multisensor data fusion for navigation
applications: a review, International
Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference & EXPO (SGEM 2011), 19-25 June, Albena, Bulgaria, 2011 (ISI
Proceedings), (SCOPUS, ProQuest, GeoRef databases)
- Edu, I.R., Obreja, R.,
Grigorie, T.L., Miniaturised
accelerometers architectures, development technologies and applications, International Multidisciplinary
Scientific GeoConference & EXPO – SGEM 2011,
19-25 June, Albena, Bulgaria, 2011 (ISI Proceedings), (SCOPUS,
ProQuest, GeoRef databases)
- Grigorie, T.L.,
Obreja, R., Sandu, D.G., Corcau, J.I., Allan Variance Analysis of the Miniaturized Sensors In A
Strap-Down Inertial Measurement Unit, 12th
International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference - SGEM2012,
ISSN 1314-2704, Vol. 3, pp. 443 – 450, June 17-23, 2012 (ISI
Proceedings – in course of indexing), (SCOPUS,
ProQuest, GeoRef databases).
Articole publicate in jurnale citate in
baze de date/recunoscute CNCSIS
- Sandu, D.G.,
Grigorie, T.L., INS/GPS synergic navigator with Kalman filtering. Submitted in july 2013 at University POLITEHNICA of
Bucharest “Scientific Bulletin”, Series D Mechanical Engineering,
ISSN 1454-2358, Bucharest, Romania (B+ CNCSIS journal, indexed in Compendex, Scopus, Inspec,
Ulrich’s International Periodicals Directory, Metadex
- Grigorie, T.L.,
Obreja, R., Edu, I.R., Redundant bi-dimensional SDINS based on
inertial sensors data fusion. Academic Journal of Science AJS
(UniversityPublications.net), ISSN: 2165-6282, 1(3):579–588 , 2012 (WorldCat database) (presented
at International Conference for
Academic Disciplines, Vienna, Austria, 1-5 April 2012).
- Negrea, P., Grigorie, T.L., Mathematical modeling and numerical
simulation of the detection unit in a miniaturized capacitive
accelerometer, Annals of the University of Craiova, Electrical
Engineering series, ISSN 1842-4805, No. 36, pp. 427-431, 2012 (B+ CNCSIS
journal, indexed in database
Index Copernicus
Journals Master List) (presented at 11th
International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Electricity – ICATE
2012, Aerospace Engineering Section, Craiova, Romania, 25-27 October,
- Edu, I.R.,
Grigorie, T.L., Enache, A.C., Ancuta, F., Cepisca, C., A redundant aircraft attitude system
based on miniaturised gyro clusters data fusion by using Kalman
filtering, Accepted for publication in 2012 in University
POLITEHNICA of Bucharest “Scientific Bulletin”, Series D Mechanical
Engineering, ISSN 1454-2358, Bucharest, Romania (B+ CNCSIS journal, indexed in Compendex, Scopus, Inspec, Ulrich’s
International Periodicals Directory, Metadex databases).
- Grigorie, T.L., Lungu, M., Edu, I.R.,
Obreja, R., Closed loop
high-precision accelerometer with smart control, Scientific Bulletin of The “POLITEHNICA”
University of Timiºoara, Romania, Transactions on Automatic Control and
Computer Science, ISSN 1224-600X, Vol. 57(71), No.
1, pp. 15-22, March 2012 (B+ CNCSIS journal, indexed in
databases Index Copernicus Journals Master List, and VINITI - All-Russian Institute of Scientific and Technical Information).
Grigorie, T.L., Lungu, M., Edu, I.R., Obreja R., A tool for
the aircrafts attitude determination,
Bulletin of Naval Academy, ISSN: 1454 – 864X, Volume XIV, Issue no.
1/2011, pp. 56-63 (CNCSIS B journal) (presented at International
Conference NAV-MAR_EDU – 2011, November 11-13, Constanta, Romania, 2011)
- Obreja, R., Edu,
I.R., Limited Angle
Torque Motors Having High Torque Density, Used in Accurate Drive Systems, Acta Polytechnica, ISSN 1210-2709 (print), ISSN 1805-2363 (online),
Vol. 51 No. 5/2011, pp. 75-83, Czech Republic (WorldCat database) (presented at 15th International Student Conference
on Electrical Engineering – POSTER 2011, 12 May, Prague, Czech Republic,
2011) – First prize in
Power engineering Section of the Conference
- Grigorie, T.L.,
Lungu, M., Edu, I.R., Obreja, R. Concepts for error modeling of
miniature accelerometers used in inertial navigation systems, Annals
of the University of Craiova, Electrical Engineering series, No. 34,
2010, pp. 212-219, ISSN 1842-4805 (B+ CNCSIS journal, indexed in
databases Index Copernicus Journals Master List)
(presented at 10th International
Conference on Applied and Theoretical Electricity – ICATE 2010,
Aerospace Engineering Section, Craiova, Romania, 8-9 October, 2010)
Articole publicate in proceedings citate
in baze de date
T.L., Botez, R.M., Redundant Inertial
Navigator for Robotic Applications, ICINCO 2013 - Tenth International
Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics. Reykjavík,
Iceland, July 29-31, 2013 (accepted)
T.L., Botez, R.M., A Redundant Aircraft
Attitude System Based on Miniaturized Gyro Clusters Data Fusion. International
conference on computer as a tool - EUROCON 2013, Zagreb, Croatia, July
1-4, 2013 (accepted)
- Grigorie, T.L.,
Obreja, R., Corcau, J., Dinca, L., Matlab/Simulink
software implementation and interfacing of a strap-down inertial
attitude method, 38th Annual Conference of the IEEE
Industrial Electronics Society - IECON 2012, Montreal, Quebec,
Canada, pp. 5441-5446, 25-28 October, 2012 (IEEEXplore, INSPEC, Ei Compendex)
- Grigorie, T.L.,
Botez, R.M., Sandu, D.G., Obreja, R., A redundant bi-dimensional inertial navigator in vertical plane,
Recent Researches in Circuits and Systems Conference, Kos Island,
Greece, 14-17 July, 2012 (ACM
Digital Library)
- Grigorie, T.L., A software tool for the vehicles
attitude determination by using strap-down inertial techniques, 10th
World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM 2012), São
Paulo, Brazil, 8-13 July, 2012 (ERA
Rank A Conference)
- Grigorie, T.L., Bi-dimensional SDINS in horizontal
plane with miniaturized redundant IMU, The 23rd IASTED
International Conference on Modelling and Simulation - MS 2012,
Banff, Canada, July 3-5, 2012 (ERA
Rank A Conference, Scopus, ActaPress)
- Lungu, M., Lungu,
R., Grigorie, T.L., Aircrafts State
Estimation by using an Adaptive Observer for MIMO Linear Time Varying
Systems, The 2012 International Conference on High Performance
Computing & Simulation (HPCS 2012), Madrid, Spain, July 2-6,
2012 (IEEEXplore, INSPEC, Ei
- Grigorie T.L., Botez
R.M., Sandu D.G., A numerical
implemented method for the aircraft attitude determination, The
20th IASTED International Conference on Applied Simulation
and Modelling, Naples, Italy, June 25-27, 2012 (Scopus, ActaPress)
- Lungu, M., Stabilization and control of a UAV
flight attitude angles using the backstepping method. International
Conference on Modeling and Simulation –ICMS 2012, Zurich, Elvetia,
Jan. 15-17, 2012 (ERA Rank A
- Grigorie, T.L., Corcau, J.I., Lungu, M., Edu, I.R., Obreja R., Precision
Improvement for a Tunneling Accelerometer by Using an Intelligent
Controller to Close its Loop,
12th IEEE International Symposium on Computational
Intelligence and Informatics (CINTI 2011), November
21-22, Budapest, Hungary, 2011 (IEEEXplore,
INSPEC, Ei Compendex)
- Lungu, M., Lungu,
R., Grigorie, T.L., Automatic
command systems for the flight direction control during the landing
process, 3rd IEEE International Symposium on Logistics and Industrial
Informatics (LINDI 2011), 25-27 August, Budapest, Hungary, pp. 117-122, 2011 (IEEEXplore,
INSPEC, Ei Compendex)
- Lungu, M., Lungu,
R., Grigorie, T.L., Automat control of the aircrafts’ lateral
movement using the dynamic inversion, International
Conference on Mechanical, Industrial and Aerospace Engineering (ICMIAE
2011), 27-29 July, Paris, France, pp.381-388, 2011 (Compendex,
- Edu, I.R., Obreja,
R., Grigorie, T.L., Current technologies and trends in
the development of gyros used in navigation applications – a review, Conference
on Communications
and Information Technology (CIT-2011), July, 14-16, Corfu, Greece,
pp. 63-68, 2011 (ACM Digital
- Lungu, M.,
Grigorie, T.L., Automat Control of
the Flight Altitude Using the Dynamic Inversion and the Influence of
Wind Shears and Sensors’ Errors on the Aircrafts’ Landing Process, 7th
International Conference on
Dynamical Systems and Control (CONTROL’11), July 1-3,
Iasi, Romania, pp. 97-104, 2011 (ACM
Digital Library database)
- Grigorie, T.L., Edu, I.R.,
Corcau, J.I., Fuzzy logic denoising of the miniaturized inertial
sensors in redundant configurations, 33rd International
Conference on Information Technology Interfaces (ITI 2011), June
27-30, Cavtat, Croatia, pp. 521 – 526,
2011 (IEEEXplore, INSPEC, Ei
- Grigorie, T. L., Botez, R.M., Miniaturized inertial
sensors’ noise reduction by using redundant linear configurations, The Nineteenth IASTED
International Conference on Applied Simulation and Modelling, Crete, Greece, June 22-24, 2011 (Scopus, ActaPress)
- Grigorie, T.L., Lungu, M., Edu, I.R., Obreja, R., Miniature accelerometer precision
improvement using intelligent control, 6th IEEE
International Symposium on Applied Computational
Intelligence and Informatics (SACI 2011), 19-21 May, Timisoara,
Romania, pp. 421 – 426, 2011 (IEEEXplore, INSPEC, Ei Compendex)
- Edu I.R., Grigorie T.L., Cepisca C., Kalman filtering of the miniaturized inertial
sensors’ data for inertial navigation, The 7th International Symposium on
Advanced Topics in Electrical Engineering (ATEE 2011), May 12-15,
Bucharest, Romania, pp. 1-6, 2011 (IEEEXplore,
INSPEC, Ei Compendex)
- Grigorie, T.L.,
Lungu, M., Edu, I.R., Obreja, R. Concepts
for error modeling of miniature gyros used in inertial navigation
systems, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on
Mechanical Engineering, Robotics and Aerospace (ICMERA 2010), Bucharest, 1-4
December, Section 4, 5 pp., 2010 (IEEEXplore, INSPEC, Ei Compendex)
- Grigorie, T.L.,
Lungu, M., Corcau, J.I., Edu, I.R., Obreja, R. Miniaturised
Strap-Down Gyro Performance Improvement through On-Line Bias Correction
over Temperature, Proceedings
of the IEEE International Conference on Mechanical
Engineering, Robotics and Aerospace (ICMERA 2010), Bucharest, 1-4
December, Section 4, 5 pp., 2010 (IEEEXplore, INSPEC, Ei Compendex).
Articole publicate in proceedings
T.L., Corcau, J., Edu, I., Fuzzy Logic
Controller for a DC Motor Drive Used in a Bench Test Platform for Strap-Down
Inertial Navigation Systems Sensors, International Conference on
Aerospace and Mechanical Systems Engineering - ICAMSE 2013, Dubai, United
Arab Emirates, March 05-06, 2013
- Grigorie T.L., Botez R.M., Sandu D.G., Navigation solution errors reduction
through inertial sensors data fusion in a redundant bi-dimensional
strap-down inertial navigator. 3rd International Conference on
Engineering Optimization - EngOpt 2012, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,
01-05 July, 2012.
- Grigorie, T.L., Edu, I.R., Obreja, R., Botez,
R.M., An attitude software tool
based on a matrix method, ARA 36th International Congress,
(Presses Internationales, Polytechnique Montreal), Bari, Italy, May
30-June 2, 2012.
- Grigorie, T.L., Obreja, R.,
Botez, R.M., Sandu, D.G., Error model of a bidimensional SDINS in
vertical plane, 58th Canadian Aeronautics & Space
Institute (CASI) Aeronautics Conference – AERO 2011, 26-28
April, Montreal, Canada.
- Grigorie, T.L., Lungu, M., Edu, I.R., Obreja, R., Influences of the miniaturised inertial sensors errors on the navigation solution in a bidimensional SDINS in vertical plane, 4th International Conference on Computational
Mechanics and Virtual Engineering (COMEC2011), 20-22 October, Brasov, Romania, 2011
- Grigorie, T.L., Lungu, M., Edu, I.R., Obreja, R. Analysis of the Miniaturized Inertial
Sensors Stochastic Errors with the Allan Variance Method: A Review,
Proceedings of the International
Conference of Aerospace Sciences “AEROSPATIAL 2010”, Bucharest, 20-21 October, Section 5, pp. 1-10,
2010, ISSN 2067-8622.