2015 Stage I: Documentation on the GPS, strap-down
inertial navigators and their associated errors, on the INS/GPS synergic
architectures, and on the data fusion methods in these systems - concepts,
principles, implementation, existing methods of modeling and analysis.
Concepts for modeling and analysis of GPS, strap-down inertial navigators
and their associated errors.
I.2. Conceptual models for the architectures of the integrated
INS/GPS navigation systems.
Conceptual models for the data fusion algorithms in the integrated INS/GPS
navigation systems.
Initiation website and dissemination through publication.
2016 Stage II: Development of strap-down inertial
navigation algorithms, error models for them and software tools to
implement developed models - validation by numerical simulation. Creating data fusion algorithms in smart
structures for integrating INS/GPS and software tools for their
Strap-down inertial navigation algorithm for global positioning based on
the quaternionic calculus of the attitude - error
model development. Matlab subroutines with
graphical interface for algorithm and for its error model - functionality
Strap-down inertial navigation algorithm for global positioning based on
the matriceal calculus of the attitude - error
model development. Matlab subroutines with
graphical interface for algorithm and for its error model - functionality
Structural design of data fusion intelligent algorithm based on an adaptive
neuro-fuzzy inference system and Kalman
filtering, for the prediction of the positioning errors during GPS signal
outages at the quaternionic global inertial
positioning - software implementations and functionality testing.
Structural design of data fusion intelligent algorithm based on an adaptive
neuro-fuzzy inference system and Kalman
filtering, for the prediction of the positioning errors during GPS signal
outages at the matriceal global inertial
positioning - software implementations and functionality testing.
Structural design of data fusion intelligent algorithm based on an adaptive
neuro-fuzzy inference system to predict the mislaid GPS reading data at the
quaternionic global inertial positioning -
software implementations and functionality testing.
Structural design of data fusion intelligent algorithm based on an adaptive
neuro-fuzzy inference system to predict the mislaid GPS reading data at the
matriceal global inertial positioning - software
implementations and functionality testing.
Large scale dissemination of results.
2017 Stage III: Experimental development of integrated
INS/GPS navigators’ hardware structures using low-cost inertial measurement
unit with MEMS sensors. Experimental tuning and evaluation through
numerical simulation of the data fusion algorithms in INS/GPS integrated
structures. Functionality
demonstration for INS/GPS developed integrated navigators through testing
and experimental validation in various detection scenarios.
III.1. Design and experimental development of integrated INS/GPS navigators’
hardware structures using low-cost inertial measurement unit with MEMS
III.2. Tuning with experimental acquired data and evaluation through numerical
simulation of the data fusion algorithms in INS/GPS integrated structures.
Demonstration of functionality and performance evaluation of INS/GPS
integrated navigators for open sky detection with good GPS signals.
Demonstration of functionality and performance evaluation of INS/GPS
integrated navigators for various detection scenarios with GPS signal
Testing of INS/GPS integrated navigators for INS detection only, to
evaluate the navigation performance if they are to be used without access
to the GPS signals.
Dissemination through publication.
Improving the master course: Integrated
aerospace navigation systems.