2010 Stage I: Documentation
on the micro and nano inertial sensors, their fusion methods and modern
methods of solving problems in inertial navigation – concepts, principles,
implementation, modeling and analysis of existing.
1.1. Conceptual models for
modeling and analysis of micro and nano inertial sensors
1.2. Create database -
library features of micro and nano inertial sensors
2.1. Conceptual models of
inertial sensors fusion algorithms
3.1. Conceptual models of
modern inertial navigation algorithms and of inertial navigators performance
4.1. Initiation website
and dissemination through publication
2011 Stage II: Creating
precision models for micro and nano inertial sensors, the software tools
developed for implementation and validation of experimental models.
Creating adaptive algorithms for connection and integration of inertial
sensors, the software tools to implement algorithms developed – numerical simulation
and experimental validation of their.
1.1. Models of sensors
based on testing and quality certification standards
1.2. Models of sensors
based on information provided by manufacturers data sheets
1.3. Comparison of models
developed and the creation of a model combined with higher impact factor
2.1. Matlab subroutine with
graphical interface and integrated library of accelerometer sensors
2.2. Matlab subroutine
with graphical interface and integrated library of gyro sensors
3.1. Experimental
validation of models
4.1. Algorithm for
connection and adaptive integration of inertial sensors willing to
classical redundant architecture
4.2. Algorithm for
connection and adaptive integration of inertial sensors willing to
no-conventional redundant architecture
4.3. Matlab subroutine
with graphical interface for the
redundant classical dispositions; verify functionality
4.4. Matlab subroutine
with graphical interface for the
redundant no-conventional dispositions; verify functionality
5.1. Experimental
validation of algorithms
6.1. Large scale
dissemination of results
2012 Stage III: Development
of algorithms for strap-down inertial navigation rely on modern methods and
software tools for their implementation. Creating new architectures for
inertial navigators highly redundant.
1.1. Strap-down inertial navigation algorithms
based on the matriceal detection of the attitude and on the modern
matriceal numerical integration methods, allowing the limiting of the
commutation error
1.2. Strap-down inertial navigation algorithms
based on the quaternionic detection of the attitude and on the modern
quaternionic numerical integration methods, allowing the limiting of the
commutation error
1.3. Matlab subroutines
with graphical interface for the
algorithms using the attitude matrix; verify functionality
1.4. Matlab subroutines
with graphical interface for the
algorithms using the attitude quaternion; verify functionality
2.1. Combinational architectures
of strap-down inertial navigation systems with sensors in classical
dispositions and different degrees of redundancy
2.2. Combinational
architectures of strap-down inertial navigation systems with sensors in
no-conventional dispositions and different degrees of redundancy
3.1. Dissemination of
2013 Stage IV: Software
implementation and functionality demonstration of the highly redundant
inertial navigators; experimental validation of one of the developed
1.1. Matlab subroutines
with graphical interface for the
inertial navigators architectures with sensors classical disposed; verify
1.2. Matlab subroutines
with graphical interface for the
inertial navigators architectures with sensors no-conventional disposed;
verify functionality
2.1. Comparative analysis
by numerical simulation of the developed navigators architectures
3.1. Realization and
experimental validation of one of the developed navigators architectures
4.1. Dissemination through
4.2. Improving the master
course: Integrated aerospace
navigation systems