All posts by cburada

Easy Design Procedure of PCB Inductors Using WEBENCH Coil Designer


This paper describes the use of WEBENCH Coil Designer for generating wireless power transfer PCB induc-tors for low and medium power portable systems without the need of complex calculations or complex layout design. This tool is also used to generate the design files that engi-neers can include in their final designs. These results are of great importance in the wireless charging domain, with ap-plicability from mobile phones to industrial equipment charging. The designed coil inductors can also be used in medical equipment by printing them on flexible materials. To minimize the cost and design time for new products, the use of a specialized tool, like WEBENCH Coil Designer, is recommended for new and experienced engineers. Switching to PCB inductors is more cost effective and creates more stable inductors with precise electrical parameters and good repeatability. images

Design of Wireless Electromagnetic Energy Transfer Systems


This paper presents a set of diagrams for wireless power transfer systems (WPTS) with applications in key domains such as: medical, electrical engineering, military, etc. Our research is based on original circuits working as WPTS. All the circuits are using sets of two magnetically coupled coils whose parameters were extracted by simula-tions using the specialized software ANSOFT Q3D Extrac-tor. The simulations of the circuits were performed using TINA, PSpice and Simulink in MATLAB. We used existing parts libraries from Texas Instruments. The circuits were also physically built and tested and the results were very close to the numerical ones. We also compared the results with data in existing literature and we obtained an accept-able computation error. We also studied the efficiency of the power transfer and presented some practical applications for these systems such as low power battery chargers. images

An Analysis on Efficiency of Wireless Transfer Energy Due to a Misalignment of Two Coils


Function of the alignment of the two magnetic coupled coils, a procedure, to choose the proper structure of the two coils used in the wireless power transfer systems (WPTS’s), is presented. The deviation in the alignment of coils can be made in two ways – the angular displacement and the lateral displacement. For the lateral displacement, the two coils are located in parallel planes with their centres misaligned, respectively in the case of angular displacement there is an angular deviation between the receiver and transmitter coils having aligned centres. The main target is to compare the obtained results and select the best solution with the great value for mutual inductance. The main focus was on the influence of lateral displacement of two coils, for two configurations: transmitter and receiver coils are circu-lar type; transmitter coil is pancake type and receiver coil is circular type. After the simulations, we shown that there is a smaller deviation from initial value of the mutual induc-tance for the second case (transmitter coil is pancake type and receiver coil is circular type). Combining the two effects (angular and offset side) we get a surface where if the re-ceiving coil is located on it, the coupling factor of the wire-less system has the same value images

Modeling, Simulation and Practical Realization of the Spiral Inductors Used in Wireless Power Systems


With the increase of the number of devices pow-ered and using wireless systems, the optimal design of such systems is necessary. The present study aims at determining the influence of parameters like distance between inductors and the placement of ferrite layers on the phenomena re-garding the spiral inductors through their numerical model-ling. A simple wireless power system constructed from an emitter and a receiver spiral inductor is considered in the present study. The numerical modelling of the system is made using the software program Ansys Maxwell 3D Field Simulator. Also, a comparison of the results obtained from the modelling and simulation of this wireless power system and from a practical model made in the laboratory is pre-sented. As the modelled structure, the practical model is constructed from two spiral inductors. The importance of numerical modelling of the structure in order to determine an optimum is highlighted. The parameters obtained and analysed from the 3D model are magnetic field intensity, magnetic induction and mutual inductance, while for the constructed model the voltage is studied. For the modelled structure, the distance between the receiver and the emitter is varied between 0.05 mm and 5 mm, considering the struc-tures with and without the ferrite layers in order to reach a conclusion. images

Inductive Power Charging for Electric Vehicles in Misalignment Conditions


This research work deals with the challenges and issues facing the misalignment contactless inductive power charging of electric vehicles (EVs). The focus is on analysis and design of the inductive power transfer (IPT) for dynamic (in-motion) charging systems. The computational electromagnetics approach is used here, and a graphical and programming platform is developed capable to link and co-simulate the models of the coupled coils with the models of the external circuitry of the overall IPT system consisting of: high frequency power inverter on the primary coil side, resonant tuning capacitors, diode bridge rectifier on the secondary coil side, DC filtering capacitor and the vehicle battery load. images

Annals of the University of Craiova, Series : Electrical Engineering - Special Issue, 2018

Contactless Power Transfer – Theoretical Principles and Fields of Applications – Andrei Marinescu, Mihai Iordache, Lucian Mandache

Inductive Power Charging forElectric Vehicles in Misalignment Conditions – Constantin M. Apostoaia, Mihai Cernat

Design of Wireless Electromagnetic Energy Transfer Systems – Mihai Iordache, Victor Bucată, Dragoş Niculae, Marilena Stănculescu, Maria-Lavinia Bobaru

An Analysis on Efficiency of Wireless Transfer Energy Due to a Misalignment of Two Coils – Dragoş Niculae, Marilena Stănculescu, Mihai Iordache and Maria-Lavinia Bobaru

Wireless Power Transfer AnalysisUsing Scattering Parameters – Marilena Stănculescu, Lavinia Bobaru, Mihai Iordache, Dragoş Niculae and Victor Bucată

Easy Design Procedure of PCB Inductors Using WEBENCH Coil Designer – Catalin Bibirica, Sandu Cristian, Lucian Ene, Mihai Iordache Iordache

Modeling, Simulation and Practical Realization of the Spiral Inductors Used in Wireless Power Systems – Claudia Păcurar, Adina Răcăşan, Vasile Ţopa, Călin Munteanu, Claudia Constantinescu

An Improved Numerical Model of Heat Transfer Coefficient Corresponding to a Through Connector


This paper is a continuation of a previous re-search in which was presented a method to determine heat transfer coefficient values corresponding to crimped connec-tions. Because the differences between numerical values of temperature obtained with a mathematical model for hΣ and experiments were high, authors considered that the model could be improved. Therefore, in the presented paper are shown the results obtained for heat transfer coefficient and temperature corresponding to crimped connections using an improved model. It was started from some values determi-nated previously and there were obtained new values of hΣ which can give the possibility to attain the temperature val-ues closed to experiments. The numerical model was devel-oped considered a coupled problem – Magnetic- Steady State Heat Transfer. Using iteration there were determined new values for heat transfer coefficient which gave the pos-sibility to find the Joule heat, heat flux and temperature distribution in the studied crimped connection. Thus, the numerical model can be used to determine the temperature values for several types of crimped connections with small errors. images

Diagnosis with Analytic Model of a Rectifier for Faults of the Rectifier Control


The diagnosis of the electric systems is an actual item for the specialists in domain. Due to the variety of the measurements and multiplicity of faults which can be analyzed, the approach is motivating. The model reproduces the behavior of a system both in normal operation and fault occurrence. The procedure which uses the analytic models compares the system evolution in normal and fault conditions operation. The faults which affect the normal system operation can occur on the supplying side (grid faults), in the rectifier itself (one or more switches in fault), on the load side or in the control circuit of the rectifier. Authors had previously studied different faults within a controlled rectifier-DC motor system. The supplying side faults (broken phase, phase to ground and two phases short-circuit faults), interrupted or short-circuited switch within the rectifier and excitation disappearance were investigated. The paper deals with the analysis of different faults of the control circuit. The considered faults were the firing pulses lack for one switch or for the two switches on the same arm (phase). The effects on the rectifier operation (waveforms, major values) and on the load behavior are highlighted. As it is shown, the effects on the output waveforms of the two studied faults are quite different. images

Single/Three-Phase Transformer with Variable Frequency for Electric Locomotives


Electric rail transport is positioned as environ-ment-friendly technology that has good future prospects for development. The supply of electric rail transport from DC or AC power lines requires the use of specialized transform-ers that form the three-phase system in the low-voltage cir-cuit to power this load. Solid State Transformer (SST) are very attractive for use in power systems of electric locomo-tives. This paper examines a new architecture for the reali-zation of SST transformers for their use in power systems of electric locomotives. The proposed SST transformer has the bidirectional high-frequency power transmission capability and at the same time ensures multiplication of phases in the low voltage circuit. The SST transformer is a single-phase / three-phase transformer, which can be supplied both from the high-voltage DC power network and from the AC net-work frequently used in electric rail transport. Changing the power supply type (of the current) does not lead to changes in the topology of the SST. The transformer is de-signed as an object made of identical functional modules. The ferromagnetic core is made of separate portions for each functional module. This simplifies the problem of en-suring the electrical stiffness of the transformer. The tran-sistors of the module operate at variable switching fre-quency, have soft switching mode. Energy conversion takes place in a single step. This ensures that losses are diminished and transformer efficiency is increased in all load regimes. Mathematical simulations have confirmed that this trans-former has a very low impact on the power supply, whether the power supply is DC or AC. Under-load operation of the SST transformer does not lead to pollution of the power supply network with higher current harmonics. images

Automatic Sorting and Handling Station Actuated by Pneumatic Drive


The main path through which technical progress contributes to increasing work productivity is the automa-tion of manufacturing processes. Applications based on ro-botic handling solve many problems in different areas, espe-cially in the food, pharmaceutical, plastics, building materi-als, or logistics applications. The paper presents an auto-matic electro-pneumatic system for manipulation and sort-ing of parts according to color. The system is taught to sort two kinds of pieces, both white and black. Pieces of different types arrive at the input stock and are picked up by a ma-nipulating robot, then stored in two output stocks according to color. The entire structure is integrated in an electro-pneumatic drive system with linear actuators (pneumatic cylinder) and rotary (rotary pneumatic motors), controlled by the solenoid valves. The manipulator robot consists of three modules (rotation, lifting, gripper actuation), and the output stock contains a rotating module for the sorting table provided with two parts warehouses. Both white and black pieces will be stored in the two storehouses. The structure is controlled by an Arduino Mega2560 microcontroller devel-opment system. The sorting station can also be controlled by the operator via a joystick and some buttons. The system designed, developed and tested can be used both in educa-tional applications in electrical engineering and in industrial applications. In comparison to other handling systems, the robot structure is simpler. It performs the transfer of the pieces by only two movements, thus reducing the handling time. images