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Why Defensive Driving is Important

Posted 19/12/2013 By Costel Burada

Why Defensive Driving is Important

In Alberta, defensive driving is taken seriously. That’s why the Government of Alberta has created standards for defensive driving courses. Derek Brown’s offers the defensive driving course based on those standards. Defensive driving is important for several reasons, as it helps reduce the risk of accidents and promotes overall road safety. Here are some key reasons why defensive driving is crucial:

1. Accident Prevention: Defensive driving techniques focus on anticipating and responding to potential hazards on the road. By staying alert and proactive, defensive drivers can identify and avoid dangerous situations, reducing the likelihood of accidents.

2. Personal Safety: Defensive driving helps protect the driver, passengers, and other road users. It emphasizes safe practices such as maintaining a safe following distance, obeying speed limits, and avoiding distractions, all of which contribute to a safer driving experience, for better results click here.

3. Reduced Insurance Costs: Insurance companies often offer discounts to drivers who complete defensive driving courses. By demonstrating safe driving habits, you can potentially lower your insurance premiums, saving you money in the long run.

4. Legal Compliance: Defensive driving teaches drivers to obey traffic laws and regulations. Staying within the bounds of the law not only reduces the risk of citations and fines but also ensures that you are a responsible and law-abiding driver.

5. Environmental Impact: Defensive driving practices, such as smooth acceleration and braking, can lead to fuel efficiency and reduced emissions. This helps reduce the environmental impact of driving and conserves resources.

6. Stress Reduction: Defensive drivers are better equipped to handle unexpected situations, which can reduce stress and anxiety while driving. A calm and focused approach to driving can improve mental well-being.

7. Improved Decision-Making: Defensive driving encourages drivers to make informed and responsible decisions on the road. It helps develop critical thinking skills, which can be valuable not only for driving but also in other aspects of life.

8. Protection of Assets: Defensive driving helps protect your vehicle and assets by reducing the risk of collisions. It can save you money on repair and replacement costs, as well as the inconvenience of dealing with accidents.

9. Increased Confidence: Defensive driving courses often include both classroom and practical training, which can boost a driver’s confidence and competence on the road. Confidence can lead to safer and more enjoyable driving experiences.

10. Responsible Behavior: Defensive driving promotes responsible behavior behind the wheel, such as avoiding aggressive driving, road rage, and other dangerous actions. It encourages drivers to be courteous and considerate toward others on the road.

Noaptea cercetatorilor

Posted 31/10/2013 By Costel Burada

A avut loc in holul central “Noaptea cercetatorilor” : fotografii – click here

Vizarea carnetelor

Posted 01/10/2013 By Costel Burada


Program de lucru cu studentii

Posted 01/10/2013 By Costel Burada


Anunt pt anul I 2013 2014

Posted 01/10/2013 By Costel Burada

Studentii din anul I, licentá si master buget trebuie sá se prezinte la secretariatul facultátii ín perioada 2 – 11.10.2013, ín timpul programului de lucru cu studentii, ín vederea semnárii contractelor de studii. Studentii vor avea asupra lor cartea de identitate si legitimatia de concurs.

Anunt aducere diplome anii I si II

Posted 01/10/2013 By Costel Burada

Studentii din anul I si II master, anul universitar 2013/2014, sá prezinte la secretariatul facultátii diploma de licentá si suplimentul la diploma ín original påná la data de 11 octombrie 2013. Ín caz contrar vor fi trecuti pe locurile cu taxá.

Deschiderea anului universitar

Posted 30/09/2013 By Costel Burada

Deschiderea anului universitar 2013/2014 va avea loc miercuri, 2 octombrie 2013, ora 10, in Aula Marius Preda

Fotografii din aula Marin Preda – clik here


Posted 23/09/2013 By Costel Burada

Perioada de inscrieri pentru concursul de admitere la ciclul de studii master se prelungeste pana la data de 25 septembrie 2013, conform hotararii Consiliului de Administratie al Univesitatii din Craiova.
Interviul se va desfasura in data de 26 septembrie 2013.
Afisarea rezultatelor se va face in data de 27 septembrie 2013.- click here
Inmatricularea candidatilor declarati admisi se va face in zilele de 27 si 30 septembrie 2013.


Posted 23/09/2013 By Costel Burada

Perioada de inscrieri pentru concursul de admitere la ciclul de studii de licenta se prelungeste pana la data de 25 septembrie 2013, conform hotararii Consiliului de Administratie al Univesitatii din Craiova.
Afisarea rezultatelor se va face in data de 26 septembrie 2013.
Inmatricularea candidatilor declarati admisi se va face in zilele de 27 si 30 septembrie 2013.

Repartizarea teberelor 2013

Posted 10/07/2013 By Costel Burada

Repartizarea taberelor ïn programul “Tabere studentesti 2013 “ se va face joi, 11.07.2013, ora 11, ïn Aula Marius Preda.
Trebuie sa fie prezenti atãt studentii care se aflá pe listele finale, cãt si cei de pe lista de rezerve si vor avea asupra lor urmátoarele acte:
– carnetul de student vizat la zi;
– cartea de identitate/paçaportul original si copie;

Facultatea de Inginerie Electricá are repartizare urmátoarele locuri:
1. Costinesti, Hotel Azur – 20 – 25.07.2013 – 8 locuri;
2. Costinesti, Complex Corsa – 09 – 14.08.2013 – 9 locuri;
3. Predeal, Complex Robinson – 19 – 24.08.2013 – 4 locuri.