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Posted 24/05/2012 By Costel Burada

Noutati admitere 2012

Tabele cu studentii inscrisi pentru tabere

Facultatea de Inginerie Electricá organizeazá GRATUIT consultatii pentru Examenul de bacalaureat la disciplina MATEMATICÁ.
Consultatiile se desfásoará la sediul Facultátii de Inginerie Electricá, b-dul Decebal, nr.107, ïn AULA MARIUS PREDA, dupá urmátorul program :
– ín fiecare vineri ïntre orele 16 si 18 ;
– ín fiecare sãmbátá ïntre orele 09 si 11.

Stimate cadre didactice,

La nivelul Universitatii se organizeaza o strangere de fonduri cu ocazia zilei de 1 Iunie, in vederea acordarii a 1 sau 2 burse unor copii de la Casa Copilului.
Cei care doresc sa participe la aceasta actiune sunt invitati la secretariatul facultatii unde pot sa depuna donatia sau in conturile:

  • RO33TREZ291504601X000337 deschis la Trezoreria Craiova pentru lei;
  • RO18CECEDJ01C2CHF0955205 deschis la CEC pentru CHF;
  • RO58RNCB0134018453880002 deschis la BCR pentru USD;
  • RO79RNCB0134018453880012 deschis la BCR pentru EUR.
  • Anunt intalnire absolventi, masteranzi

    Posted 02/04/2012 By Costel Burada


    Serviciul de Informaţii Externe

    Serviciul de Informaţii Externe organizează marţi, 10 aprilie, orele 1600, în Sala Albastră a Universităţii din Craiova, o prezentare a oportunităţilor de angajare oferite de instituţie.
    Sunt aşteptaţi studenţii masteranzi şi absolvenţii de studii superioare de lungă durată, cu rezultate universitare bune şi foarte bune, cunoscători cel puţin ai unei limbi străine, rezistenţi la stres, la eforturi fizice şi intelectuale şi care îşi doresc o carieră deosebită.
    A face parte din Serviciul de Informaţii Externe implică responsabilitate într-un mediu dinamic, atractiv şi incitant, profesionalism într-o activitate unică în slujba ţării.
    Reprezentanţii instituţiei vor răspunde întrebărilor participanţilor la prezentare şi vor fi oferite detalii privind posibilitatea dezvoltării unei cariere în Serviciul de Informaţii Externe.
    Persoanele interesate dar care nu pot participa au la dispoziţie site-ul oficial al instituţiei (www.sie.ro).

    SCSS-ELTH 2011

    Posted 13/04/2011 By Costel Burada

    * Conferinţa SCSS-ELTH2011

    In perioada 19-20 Mai 2011 se desfasoara lucrarile Conferintei Studentesti SCSS-ELTH 2011

    ICATE 2010

    Posted 15/09/2010 By Costel Burada

    Easy, Tasty Tips for Heart-Healthy Eating

    An arrangement of healthy fruits and vegetables

    Eating is – or should be – one of the most consistent pleasures in life. Like so much else, however, it can get complicated. We’re busy, so we grab something fast. We’re stressed, so we grab something sweet or salty. We’re cooking for a family, so we gravitate to meals geared to the pickiest eater.

    Fortunately, Karin Pennington, a Cigna health coach who works one-on-one with employees, knows strategies and shortcuts that can help you get your meals and snacks on track. The first thing to remember is that small changes made over time are easier to swallow – so to speak – and can be more long-lasting than going all-out from the start.That strategy works when you’re trying to add healthful foods such as fruits and vegetables to your diet, and it works when you’re trying to limit foods such as snacks.

    “Setting small, achievable goals is really the key.”Karin Pennington, Registered Dietitian, Cigna

    What is heart-healthy eating?

    The American Heart AssociationThis link will open in a new tab. considers heart-healthy eating to be a well-balanced intake rich in a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat meats and dairy. This means that one eating plan doesn’t necessarily fit everyone – instead, it provides the flexibility to choose foods that are right for you and your family. It also allows for occasional foods that have added saturated and trans fats, sugars, and sodium. Check out these amarose reviews.

    Why is heart-healthy eating important?

    Heart disease is the No. 1 killer in the United States. Adopting a heart-healthy lifestyle, which includes healthy eating, decreases the chance of a heart attack or stroke.

    What’s the best way to get started?

    Begin with the end in mind. What does your ideal healthy-eating plate look like? Next, decide when you want to get there – by next month, by January, etc. Set small, weekly, achievable goals to reach that end goal.

    It’s better to make progress toward what you want and be able to maintain it than to make too many changes at once that ultimately are unsustainable. As you are thinking of your goals, also think about the support you may need along the way – it might be the help of a family member or friend, it might be your doctor, or it might be day-to-day needs like access to finances, transportation, or knowing how to prepare the foods.

    What should – and shouldn’t – I eat?

    Sometimes it’s helpful to have specific numbers so you can compare your daily diet to health recommendations. The DASH eating planThis link will open in a new tab., a top-rated meal plan originally designed to lower blood pressure through eating whole foods, offers the following daily and weekly recommendations:

    • 4 to 5 servings of vegetables daily
    • 4 to 5 servings of fruits daily
    • 7 to 8 servings of whole grains daily
    • 2 or 3 servings of low-fat dairy foods daily
    • No more than 2 servings of animal-based proteins daily
    • No more than 5 servings of sweets weekly
    • At least 4 servings of nuts, seeds, and beans weekly

    How do I know what a serving is?

    That’s a great question. Many times, what people consider an average portion of foodThis link will open in a new tab. is so large it counts as multiple servings. The DASH plan defines a serving as:

    • ½ cup sliced vegetables or 1 cup raw, leafy green vegetables
    • 1 small piece fresh fruit or ½ cup fresh, frozen, or canned sliced fruit
    • 1 slice whole-grain bread, 1 ounce dry, whole-grain cereal, or ½ cup rice, pasta, or cereal
    • 1 cup milk or yogurt or 1½ ounces low-fat cheese
    • 1 ounce cooked meat, chicken, or fish or 1 egg
    • 1 tablespoon sugar, jelly, or jam
    • ⅓ cup nuts, 2 tablespoons nut butter or seeds, or ½ cup cooked beans

    ADMITERE 2010

    Posted 12/09/2010 By Costel Burada

    Admitere 2010

    Coupe Robotique

    Posted 22/04/2010 By Costel Burada

    Craiova – Cachan Robotic Cup a avut loc in Craiova in perioada 12 aprilie – 19 aprilie 2010.
    11 studenti insotiti de 3 profesori au realizat impreuna cu studenti craioveni un spectacol robotic minunat

    Expozitie postere 2008

    Posted 18/12/2008 By Costel Burada

    In perioada 17-19 decembrie 2008 a fost prezentata, in holul
    Facultatii de Electrotehnica, expozitia studenteasca de postere cu
    tema “Ingineria, profesia pe care doresc sa o cunosc si sa o practic
    in viitor”.
    Posterele au fost realizate de studentii anului I, ca aplicatie
    practica la disciplina “Tehnici de comunicare profesionala”.
    Cele mai bune lucrari au fost premiate de o comisie de evaluare,
    constituita la nivelul conducerii facultatii.

    Fotografii de la acest eveniment gasiti aici FOTO

    Admitere 2008

    Posted 01/09/2008 By Costel Burada
    ADMITERE 2008

    Dinamica înscrierilor
    Anunturi pt. toamna
    Rezultate Admitere
    Locuri toamna

    ICATE 2008

    Posted 06/02/2008 By Costel Burada

    Dear authors and participants in the ICATE2008 and SCC11,

    The members of the organizing committee ICATE2008 and SCC11 wish to thank all those which through their contributions made it sure the two ones events success.
    Having the hope that during the events you had the opportunity to share yours opinions, to discuss about the scientifically and technical problems, to make new contacts and enjoy in Universitary Halls from Craiova, we invite you to see the photos on the conference site.
    We are looking forward to your participation in ICATE 2010,
    Best regards,

    Program Committee ICATE Conference

    (PHOTO please clik here)

    Proiectul Pirelli “TALENT IN ACTION”

    Posted 17/01/2008 By Costel Burada

    Pirelli Tyre, leader pe piata anvelopelor cu cele 24 de unitati de productie amplasate in 12 tari ale lumii, ofera o oportunitate incredibila pentru 10 studenti din ultimul an de Universitate: un program special de formare profesionala pentru o angajare viitoare.

    Trimite CV-ul la cv.romania@pirelli.ro
    sau descarca brosura de pe situl www.pirelli.ro