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Technology has revolutionized many aspects of our lives, and education is no exception. In today’s classrooms, digital tools and platforms are not just supplementary resources—they are central to fostering collaboration among students. By enabling more dynamic, interactive, and connected learning experiences, technology plays a crucial role in cultivating a “Better Together” mindset. This article explores how technology can enhance collaboration in classrooms and the importance of choosing the right tools to support this goal.
How Technology Facilitates Collaboration

Real-Time Communication and Collaboration Tools

Digital platforms like Google Workspace, Microsoft Teams, and Slack have transformed how students collaborate. These tools allow for real-time communication, enabling students to share ideas, ask questions, and provide feedback instantaneously, regardless of physical location. Group projects can now be managed more effectively, with students collaborating on documents, presentations, and spreadsheets simultaneously.

Interactive Learning Environments

Virtual learning environments (VLEs) like Moodle and Canvas offer interactive spaces where students can engage in discussions, participate in group activities, and access shared resources. These platforms make it easy for students to collaborate on assignments, engage in peer reviews, and contribute to class discussions, creating a more connected and engaged learning community.

Project-Based Learning with Digital Tools

Technology enables more immersive project-based learning experiences. Tools like Trello for project management, Padlet for brainstorming, and digital whiteboards like Jamboard allow students to collaborate on complex projects in an organized and efficient manner. These tools also make it easier for teachers to monitor progress, provide guidance, and ensure that each student is actively participating.

Global Collaboration Opportunities

Technology removes geographical barriers, allowing students to collaborate with peers from around the world. Platforms like ePals and Skype in the Classroom facilitate global learning experiences, where students can work together on projects, share cultural perspectives, and develop a more global outlook. This kind of collaboration is invaluable in preparing students for the interconnected world they will enter after graduation.

Collaborative Content Creation

Students can now co-create content using various digital tools. Blogs, wikis, and multimedia presentations created with tools like Adobe Spark or Canva allow students to collaborate on content creation, combining their skills to produce high-quality work. This not only fosters teamwork but also helps students develop digital literacy skills that are increasingly important in today’s world.

Choosing the Right Technology

While technology has immense potential to foster collaboration, it’s essential to choose the right tools to ensure they enhance rather than hinder the learning experience. Here are a few considerations:

Ease of Use

The technology chosen should be user-friendly for both students and teachers. Complex tools can create barriers to collaboration if students spend more time figuring out how to use the technology than actually collaborating. Simplicity and intuitive design are key.


Ensure that the technology is accessible to all students, including those with disabilities. Tools that offer features like text-to-speech, screen readers, and keyboard shortcuts can help make collaboration more inclusive.


The chosen technology should be scalable, able to handle both small group collaborations and larger, more complex projects. This flexibility allows it to be used across various subjects and grade levels.

Security and Privacy

With the increasing use of digital tools, ensuring student data security and privacy is paramount. Choose platforms that are compliant with relevant educational standards and regulations, and that offer robust privacy protections.

Support and Training

For technology to be effectively integrated into collaborative learning, teachers and students need proper support and training. This ensures that everyone can use the tools confidently and that the technology is used to its full potential.


Technology with Online Professional Development for Teachers has the power to significantly enhance collaboration in the classroom, making learning more interactive, connected, and engaging. By carefully selecting the right digital tools and platforms, educators can create an environment that truly embodies the “Better Together” mindset, preparing students for success in a collaborative, technology-driven world. As technology continues to evolve, the opportunities for fostering collaboration in classrooms will only grow, paving the way for more innovative and effective educational practices.

Comisia pentru asigurarea si evaluarea calitatii

Posted 11/02/2014 By Costel Burada
  • Prof.dr.ing. Lucian MANDACHE
  • Prof.dr.ing. Daniela ROSCA
  • Prof.dr.ing. Petre Marian NICOLAE
  • Prof.dr.ing. Mihaela POPESCU
  • Conf.dr.ing. Cristian Daniel CISMARU
  • Conf.dr.ing. Denisa RUSINARU
  • Conf.dr.ing. Daniela POPESCU
  • Conf.dr.ing. Alexandru-Nicolae TUDOSIE
  • Ș.l.dr.ing. Radu-Cristian DINU
  • Ș.l.dr.ing. Alin-Iulian DOLAN
  • Ș.l.dr.ing. Mihăiță LINCĂ
  • Dr.ing. Luigi DUMITRESCU, director RALICRI COM SRL
  • Șerbănoiu Ionuț Răzvan
  • Mustață Ionela Adelina


Posted 07/02/2014 By Costel Burada

popaGradul didactic: Profesor

Titlul stiintific: Doctor inginer


Telefon: 0251-435-724, int. 224

Fax: 0351-814-144

Adresa de corespondenta: Universitatea din Craiova, Facultatea de Inginerie Electrica

Bd. Decebal, nr. 107, Craiova, cod 200440, ROMANIA

Domenii de expertiză:

Modelare numerică (metoda volumelor finite, metoda diferentelor finite)

Modelarea numerică a arcului electric (cu modele fizice) şi a camerelor de stingere ale întreruptoarelor de înaltă tensiune cu hexafluorură de sulf (SF6).

Concepţia asistată a aparatelor şi echipamentelor electrice.

Modelarea numerică a transferului termic în aparate şi echipamente electrice. Sisteme de operare: UNIX (LINUX), WINDOWS ;

Limbaje de programare: FORTRAN, BASIC ;

Procesoare de text: WORD, LATEX ;

Software de aplicatie: MATHCAD, MC3, MATHEMATICA, MATLAB, QuickField, FEMM

Discipline predate:

Aparate electrice

Proiectarea asistată a aparatelor electrice

Eléments de Productique

Contrôle de la Qualité

Modélisation numérique du transfert thermique

Analiză numerică aplicată în electrotehnică

Modelarea numerică a transferului termic in electrotehnică

Gestiunea producţiei industriale

Equipements électriques

Transfer termic în electrotehnică

Echipamente electrice

Alexandru-Nicolae TUDOSIE

Posted 07/02/2014 By Costel Burada


Gradul didactic: Conferentiar

Titlul stiintific: Doctor inginer



Telefon: 0251-435-724, int. 217

Fax: 0351-814-144

Adresa de corespondenta: Universitatea din Craiova, Facultatea de Inginerie Electrica

Bd. Decebal, nr. 107, Craiova, cod 200440, ROMANIA

Domenii de expertiză:

Sisteme de propulsie aerospatiala

Automatizarea sistemelor de propulsie


Echipamente pentru automatizari, echipamente hidropneumatice

Discipline predate:

Comanda automata a sistemelor de propulsie aerospatiala

Bazele propulsiei aerospatiale

Termodinamica tehnica

Grafica inginereasca 3D

Grafica asistata de calculator II


Octavian PREOTU

Posted 07/02/2014 By Costel Burada

Preotu Octavian

Gradul didactic: Conferentiar

Titlul stiintific: Doctor inginer



Telefon: 0251-435-724, int. 204

Fax: 0351-814-144

Adresa de corespondenta: Universitatea din Craiova, Facultatea de Inginerie Electrica

Bd. Decebal, nr. 107, Craiova, cod 200440, ROMANIA

Domenii de expertiză:

Macanica si rezistenta materialelor

Aerodinamica si mecanica aeronavelor

Constructia si exploatarea aeronavelor

Inventica si proprietate industriala

Discipline predate:

Bazele aerodinamicii

Chestiuni speciale de proiectarea si constructia structurilor aerospatiale

Elemente de inginerie mecanica I

Grafica asistata de calculator I

Mecanica II (Mecanica solidului si rezistenta materialelor)

Istoria stiintei si tehnicii

Macanica aeronavelor I(Constructia structurilor aerospatiale)

Reglementari nationale si internationale in aeronautica



Posted 05/02/2014 By Costel Burada


Gradul didactic: Profesorgosea portret

Titlul stiintific: Doctor inginer


Telefon interior: 0251-435-724, int. 214

Fax: 0351-814-144

Adresa de corespondenta: Universitatea din Craiova, Facultatea de Inginerie Electrica

Bd. Decebal, nr. 107, Craiova, cod 200440, ROMANIA

Domenii de expertiză:

Instalatii electrice

Autovehicule rutiere

Protectia mediului

Discipline predate :

Instalatii electrice industriale

Echipamente electrice si electronice pentru autovehicule

Sisteme electronice moderne pentru autovehicule

Managementul mediului


Alin-Iulian DOLAN

Posted 05/02/2014 By Costel Burada

Alin Dolan

Gradul didactic: Sef lucrari

Titlul stiintific: Doctor inginer



Telefon interior: 0251 -435-724 int. 215

Fax: 0351-814-144

Adresa de corespondenta: Universitatea din Craiova, Facultatea de Inginerie Electrica

Bd. Decebal, nr. 107, Craiova, cod 200440, ROMANIA

Domenii de expertiză:

Modelare numerică – metoda elementelor finite

Discipline predate :

Tehnica tensiunilor înalte – aplicaţii

Bazele electrotehnicii – aplicaţii

Aparate / echipamente electrice – aplicaţii

Concepţia asistată a echipamentelor electrotehnice / sistemelor electrice – aplicaţii

Modele statistice şi fiabilitate / Fiabilitate / Calitate si fiabilitate – curs

Programarea calculatoarelor şi limbaje de programare – aplicaţii

Algoritmi de optimizare in inginerie electrică – curs

Aplicaţii în MATHCAD şi MATLAB – aplicaţii

Introducere în calculatoare – curs


Dan Gabriel Stănescu

Posted 04/02/2014 By Costel Burada


Gradul didactic: Asistent

Titlul stiintific: Doctor inginer


Telefon: 0251-435-724 int. 207

Fax: 0351-814-144

Adresa de corespondenta: Universitatea din Craiova, Facultatea de Inginerie Electrica

Bd. Decebal, nr. 107, Craiova, cod 200440, ROMANIA

Domenii de expertiză:

Actionări electrice.

Compatibilitate electromagnetică.

Competente în domeniul informatic pentru aplicaţii din ingineria electrica şi cea energetica.

Echipamente de acţionare electrică utilizate în transportul urban de călători.

Instrumente software utilizate pentru ingineria electrică, proiectarea avansată si simularea functionarii dispozitivelor electromagnetice şi a sistemelor de acţionare electrică.

Achiziţia semnalelor analogice şi prelucrarea acestora pentru comanda sistemelor de actionare electrica.

Discipline predate:

Bazele electrotehnicii I, II

Teoria campului electromagnetic

Teoria circuitelor electrice I, II


Introducere în metoda elementului finit

Compatibilitate electromagnetică



Gheorghe MIHAI

Posted 04/02/2014 By Costel Burada


Gradul didactic: Conferentiar

Titlul stiintific: Doctor inginer


Telefon: 0251-435-724, int. 204

Fax: 0351-814-144

Adresa de corespondenta: Universitatea din Craiova, Facultatea de Inginerie Electrica

Bd. Decebal, nr. 107, Craiova, cod 200440, ROMANIA

Domenii de expertiză:

Teoria campului electromagnetic

Electrotehnica starii supraconductoare

Mecanica cuantica

Fizica solidului

Teoria relativitatii restranse si generalizate

Ecuatiile fizicii matematice

Calculul si proiectarea echipamentelor electrice complexe

Discipline predate:

Bazele electrotehnicii

Probleme speciale de electrotehnica

Propagarea energiei electromagnetice

Supraconductivitate aplicata

Regimuri tranzitorii in circuite electrice trifazate


Paul Mihai MIRCEA

Posted 04/02/2014 By Costel Burada


Gradul didactic: ConferentiarMircea Mihai portret

Titlul stiintific: Doctor inginer



Telefon: 0251-435-724, int. 234

Fax: 0351-814-144

Adresa de corespondenta: Universitatea din Craiova, Facultatea de Inginerie Electrica

Bd. Decebal, nr. 107, Craiova, cod 200440, ROMANIA

Domenii de expertiză:

Instalatii Electrice de Distributie

Monitorizari in Instalatiile Energetice

Protectia Instalatiilor Energetice

Discipline predate:

Protectia Instalatiilor Energetice

Achizitii de Date si Monitorizari in Energetica

Monitorizarea si Diagnosticarea Instalatiilor Energetice

Electrosecuritatea Instalatiilor Energetice

Producerea, Transportul si Distributia Energiei Electrice

Partea Electrica a Centralelor si Statiilor