Adresa de corespondenta: Universitatea din Craiova, Facultatea de Inginerie Electrica
Bd. Decebal, nr. 107, Craiova, cod 200440, ROMANIA
Domenii de expertiză:
Actionări electrice.
Compatibilitate electromagnetică.
Competente în domeniul informatic pentru aplicaţii din ingineria electrica şi cea energetica.
Echipamente de acţionare electrică utilizate în transportul urban de călători.
Instrumente software utilizate pentru ingineria electrică, proiectarea avansată si simularea functionarii dispozitivelor electromagnetice şi a sistemelor de acţionare electrică.
Achiziţia semnalelor analogice şi prelucrarea acestora pentru comanda sistemelor de actionare electrica.
Driving from one location to another is a routine part of daily activities in construction. Unfortunately, it is also one of the most hazardous activities. According to the National Safety Council, traffic crashes are the leading cause of all work-related fatalities in the United States.
Despite this sobering statistic, the fact remains that many traffic-related accidents can be avoided when we make safe driving practices a part of their day-to-day routine. Understanding the importance of defensive driving and committing to it can go a long way toward preventing and reducing injury on the road. This is the best way to get your New York drivers license.
Here are a few tips to help you drive safely and defensively:
Focus on the task at hand. Texting, phone conversations, eating, drinking, adjusting the heat or air conditioning, and engaging in discussions can distract you as you drive and lead to accidents.
Expect other drivers to make mistakes and anticipate them.
Drive the speed limit. Drivers must honor the speed limits. In adverse driving conditions, reduce speed to a safe operating speed that is consistent with the conditions of the road, weather, lighting and volume of traffic. Tires can hydroplane on wet pavement at speeds as low as 40 mph.
Always use your seat belt appropriately. Position the lap belt across the upper thighs and the diagonal belt across the chest.
When in doubt, yield. Drivers must yield the right of way at all traffic signals, emergency vehicles, and signs. Drivers should also be prepared to yield for safety’s sake at any time. Pedestrians and bicycles in the roadways always have the right of way.
Stop on red. The leading cause of intersection collisions is running the red light. Be alert of other vehicles, pedestrians, and bicyclists when approaching intersections. Never speed through an intersection on a caution light. When the traffic light turns green, look both ways for oncoming traffic before proceeding.
Avoid backing where possible. When backing is necessary, keep the distance traveled to a minimum and be particularly careful. Check behind your vehicle before backing. Back to the driver’s side. Do not back around a corner or into an area of no visibility.
Use your blinkers. Make your lane changes and turns predictable and smooth, and always signal in advance.
Don’t tailgate. Leave adequate space between you and the car in front of you to ensure your safety if you both have to stop quickly. The three second rule is the idea that your car should pass a fixed object three seconds after the car ahead of you when the driving conditions are good. Leave more space in inclement weather.
Don’t drive after or while consuming alcohol or using drugs.
Adjust for inclement weather. Wet, slick pavement increases your brake time. Do not use cruise control on wet or icy roads. Add extra space between your car and the one in front of you.
If you own a commercial building in the Las Vegas valley, the odds are that it has a flat roof. While these are popular among builders and business owners due to their low cost and ease of maintenance, if you fall behind with your flat roof repairs, the roof could quickly deteriorate in the event of a major storm. Sometimes you may not know you have an issue until it’s too late and your leaky flat roof turned the inside of your building into a swimming pool, get the most accurate damage measures with Roof Inspection Charlottesville VA.
How to Tell You Need Flat Roof Repair
Flat commercial roofs have a finite lifespan. Over the years, the hot Las Vegas sun can break down roofing material that protects your building’s roof from leaks. Below are some ways to tell you need flat roof repair:
Repeated, extensive water pooling on the roof
Large tears, cracks, or rips in the roof or seams
Blistering and bubbling from adhesion failure
The presence of moisture and leaks inside the building
The pulling away of flashing from the corners of the roof
The presence of lichen, mold, moss, and\or algae
Damaged top coat
Some commercial roofs are made of materials that hide problems. It is best to call professional roofing contractors to address these unseen problems.
What to Do When Your Flat Roof Leaks in Heavy Rain
Nothing is quite as concerning as seeing a constant drip of water coming from your ceiling. This is a possibility if you neglect to repair your roof. As water flows from your ceiling during heavy rain, there is little you can do. But to limit the water damage, here are some ways to repair flat roof leaks:
Locate the source or location of the leak by checking the ceiling and attic to find the leak.
Put containers under the leak to catch the water. To keep your floor as dry as possible and safe to walk on, collect the leaking water in buckets and mop around the area regularly.
Call a commercial flat roofing repair company like The Original Roofing Company. Professional roof technicians will have the knowledge and equipment needed to quickly and temporarily stop the leak.
What Causes Flat Roof Leaks?
There are many causes of flat roof leaks. The common sources include the following:
Inadequate drainage. If your roof can’t properly drain water, it will pool. Over time, standing water can destroy roofing materials that make the roof susceptible to leaks.
An old roof. Older roofs are more prone to leaks as years of heat, sun, rain, and wind destroy the roofing material.
Damaged flashing. Improperly installed or damaged flashing leaves the corners of the roof exposed to the elements, including rain. Poor flashing can allow water to penetrate the roofing system.
Problematic roof membrane. Tears, cracks, punctures, shrinking, and blistering of the roof membrane leave the interior of the roof vulnerable to water damage and leaks.
Standing water. Water is heavy and even a small puddle of standing water can cause excessive strain, wear, and tear on your flat roof. These factors ultimately weaken the roof to the point where it can no longer stand up against leaks.
Open roof penetrations. Holes must be made in the roof membrane to accommodate vents, pipes, drains, and HVAC units. Over time, the gaps in these holes are no longer watertight. Water can seep into the membrane and the roofing system and cause leaks.
Whether people realize it or not, the workplace environment can affect a lot of businesses and their overall performance. Internal factors (like stress) and external ones (like conflicts in the office) can affect negatively the company’s development. Workplace improvement is certainly worth investing in, both for the company as well as for the employees. So here are 7 easy practices on how to improve the environment in the workplace. Read the best marketing certifications guide.
Why is Work Environment Important
Nowadays, people have been taken more and more into account that work environment matters. Having the very best specialists in the field is no good if they don’t feel motivated or comfortable in the workspace. And while everyone has to find internal motivation, improving the work environment is essential to make sure that your employees are not only happy and comfortable, but also able to give their best and to focus on doing their job.
Stress has become one of the biggest phenomenons of the modern era. It has been normalized to feel overwhelmed by work. In truth, this drains the employees’ productivity. The “Burn-out” Syndrome has become so common, that even the World Health Organization is going to embark on research about it. Extreme stress is not a healthy motivation. Even if we might initially feel a boost of energy thanks to it, it’s eventually destined to become a hindrance to the business’ development.
So what you can really do about it? Advice like “lower stress levels” is usually well-intentioned, but they are pretty much just empty words. After all, it’s unlikely that you can reduce the workload, even if you wish you could. You should definitely make sure that you’re not understaffed and that your employees have a workload that they can manage. And you should always strive to be organized so you can distribute work smartly. But let’s be real: work is many times stressful, even with fair workloads. So the real question is, what concrete steps you can actually take towards workplace improvement?
Easy practices to really achieve workplace improvement
Improve the physical environment
Even if you think it’s not important, the physical environment of a job can play a huge part in improving the workplace. It’s not enough to have practical necessities covered. Sure, not everyone can have Google offices, with sleeping pods and sliders. But something really simple can go a long way.
Making sure it’s a physically comfortable space to work in is vital. Things as small as making sure they have a good temperature, enough fresh air, that they have good furniture that will help them avoid neck and back pains in the long run, can make all the difference. Even something as small as having daylight or warm light instead of fluorescents can help fight back the stress.
A bad physical environment can make workers feel like they’re trapped. It’s important to recognize them as the humans they are, and not like working machines. A happy, welcoming environment can do wonders when boosting productivity.
Driving from one location to another is a routine part of daily activities in construction. Unfortunately, it is also one of the most hazardous activities. According to the National Safety Council, traffic crashes are the leading cause of all work-related fatalities in the United States.
Despite this sobering statistic, the fact remains that many traffic-related accidents can be avoided when we make safe driving practices a part of their day-to-day routine. Understanding the importance of defensive driving and committing to it can go a long way toward preventing and reducing injury on the road.
Here are a few tips to help you drive safely and defensively:
Focus on the task at hand. Texting, phone conversations, eating, drinking, adjusting the heat or air conditioning, and engaging in discussions can distract you as you drive and lead to accidents.
Expect other drivers to make mistakes and anticipate them.
Drive the speed limit. Drivers must honor the speed limits. In adverse driving conditions, reduce speed to a safe operating speed that is consistent with the conditions of the road, weather, lighting and volume of traffic. Tires can hydroplane on wet pavement at speeds as low as 40 mph. Get the best preparation with IMPROV traffic school.
Always use your seat belt appropriately. Position the lap belt across the upper thighs and the diagonal belt across the chest.
When in doubt, yield. Drivers must yield the right of way at all traffic signals, emergency vehicles, and signs. Drivers should also be prepared to yield for safety’s sake at any time. Pedestrians and bicycles in the roadways always have the right of way.
Stop on red. The leading cause of intersection collisions is running the red light. Be alert of other vehicles, pedestrians, and bicyclists when approaching intersections. Never speed through an intersection on a caution light. When the traffic light turns green, look both ways for oncoming traffic before proceeding.
Both new and well-established brands are using social media to grow their following, generate leads and increase sales. Building a brand using social media might feel like a massive undertaking with all of the platforms available to you. But it’s easier than ever to use social media to connect with people and grow your brand organically.
Whether you’re just getting started or have been active on social media platforms for years, there’s always room for improvement. Each platform has different uses.
In this article, we’ll cover social media tips and tricks you can apply that will optimize your marketing strategy. Then we’ll break down the top social media platforms you should be using and give suggestions for making the most out of each one. Learn more about affiliate marketing for small businesses.
Social media tips for any platform
Social media tips for Facebook
Social media tips for Twitter
Social media tips for Instagram
Social media tips for LinkedIn
Social media tips for any platform
Create a specific strategy for each social media platform
The same way you prepare other aspects of your marketing plan, you need to have a specific and intentional plan for each platform you use. Each platform has nuances and best practices for generating engagement. Your brand may not need to have a presence on every platform, but for your posts to be targeted, you need to have a strategy that is specific to the platform you’re using.
Make sure you can answer questions like:
Why am I using this platform?
Who will reach on this platform?
What post types work best on this platform?
How are my posts unique to this platform?
If you have a hard time answering these questions, it might be time to dig deeper into why you’re investing time there. Answering these questions will also help you develop your strategy for that platform.
If you’re just getting started, prioritize the quality of your content over the number of your posts and sites that you use. For most businesses, particularly small businesses, trying to tackle a new strategy on five different social media networks often results in doing a mediocre job with little to no results.
Be consistent
How consistently you post should be specific to each social media site you’re utilizing. Some platforms like Twitter and Instagram Stories require you to be active multiple times per day to get the maximum potential from your audience. Other post types, like regular Instagram Posts and Facebook updates, don’t have as much urgency and can be used less sparingly. When determining your post strategy, look at factors such as how the algorithm works for each platform and whether content posts chronologically or is curated based on other factors.
This ties back in with your social media marketing plan. You should outline:
How often you plan to publish on each social media platform based on best practices for that platform
What type of content you plan to post on each platform
Who is your target audience on each platform
Remember, your followers are likely following hundreds or even thousands of other people. If you’re not publishing new content as often as the other accounts out there, it’s easy to get lost and forgotten.
Focus your messaging
Each platform you use will have it’s own unique demographic. There will be overlap of the people you’re targeting on each platform, but it’s still essential to understand your demographics so you can tailor your message to have the most impact.
Having a focused message will help you create higher quality content that is on brand and resonates with your audience. When you have a solid message that you don’t stray from, you can count on your social media posts to always be relevant to your audience.
Sprout Social has a great social media targeting feature that gives you flexibility on who sees your social media posts. Depending on the network, you can target your posts by location, language, demographics and other criteria.
Let’s say you want to share a post on LinkedIn targeting the finance industry. Your followers who are in IT or the health industry might not find it relevant. Instead of filling their stream with irrelevant content, you can choose to only show that post to people within your network in the finance industry.
Keep an eye on what’s trending
Once you have your key messaging determined, keep an eye on popular trends emerging on each platform. If you notice a pattern or strategy rising in popularity and it aligns with your messaging, then it’s a great idea to capitalize on it to drive engagement.
Be wary of jumping on board every new internet trend you see. Creating posts that don’t align with your overall messaging to appear relevant is a quick way to alienate your target audience. You never need to create a particular type of content just because you see other brands doing it.
This is why it’s so essential to create a focused message that you can use as a baseline against which to measure all of your future social media posts.
One way to have a steady supply of popular content is to create a list of sites in your industry that publish high quality, current content. Add them to an RSS reader like Feedly. Then you’ll have a dashboard full of the latest posts from sites you trust. You’ll also know that you have relevant content you can confidently share with your followers. You can even integrate Feedly within the Sprout Social dashboard!