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Comisia selectie a studentilor beneficiari de tabere

Posted 26/06/2013 By Costel Burada

1, Prof.univ.dr.ing. Marian CIONTU – Decan
2. Prof.univ.dr.ing. Iuri Sergiu IVANOV – Prodecan
3. Stud. Stefan-Cristian FLORESCU

Comisia se va ïntruni ïn data de 1.07.2013, ora 9, la Decanatul facultátii.

The battle between employees and leaders over the future of remote and hybrid work came to a head last week in an unlikely place.

Staffers of the Washingtonian magazine took part in a one-day strike in response to chief executive Cathy Merrill’s Washington Post editorial denouncing remote work. Originally titled “As a CEO, I want my employees to understand the risks of not returning to work in the office” the op-ed argued for the risks to staff (not the company) of a culture of working from home.

The past year of remote work has gone well, says Merrill, because companies “could rely on office cultures — established practices, unspoken rules, and shared values, established over years in large part by people interacting in person. Now, we face re-creating a workplace where a good culture of trust will be harder to build.”

She bemoaned the risks to young employees of bosses who choose to work from home instead of mentoring in person. “How will we persuade new employees to come aboard, and, more importantly, stay, if they don’t have leaders they can build solid in-person relationships with?”

As weve laid out in our Guide to Managing Remote Teams, working remotely doesn’t mean sacrificing on the authentic connections between managers and reports. But what really irritated Washingtonian employees was Merrill’s threat to demote remote employees to contractor status or terminate them entirely.

“If the employee is rarely around to participate in those extras [of office culture], management has a strong incentive to change their status to contractor.’” wrote Merrill.  “Instead of receiving a set salary, contractors are paid only for the work they do, either hourly or by appropriate output metrics.”

Regardless of your opinion on how remote work affects team culture, threatening to take away employees’ health care or jobs should they not agree to daily commutes is a failure of leadership.

Some of the best talent in the workforce now see the remote work option as a deal-breaker when choosing where to work. Remote work remains popular, with half of the respondents to a Gallup poll in January saying they preferred it.

Let’s take a look at how some of the most valuable companies, and their CEOs, are approaching this question, this is what a coo does.

Flexible Work at Microsoft

Tech leader and Teams creator Microsoft has taken a cautious, yet-flexible approach to transitioning back to offices. Microsoft’s chief people officer Kathleen Hogan explains the strategy: “I definitely would be thoughtful about if you can’t enable hybrid, having a really good reason why it’s really important for people to be in the office 9-5.”

Based on customer survey data, Microsoft says 61 percent of leaders say they are thriving right now versus only 38 percent among those without decision-making power. This has informed their own cautionary approach to reopening, including the expanded reopening of their headquarters in Richmond, Washington starting in late March. They’ve laid out 6 phases, with 6 being fully reopened pending health advice, and encouraged offices in stages 1-5 to remain at home as comfortable.

“The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged all of us to think, live, and work in new ways,” says Kathleen Hogan, Microsoft’s chief people officer, in a note to employees. “We will offer as much flexibility as possible to support individual workstyles, while balancing business needs, and ensuring we live our culture.”


Microsoft’s strategy of flexibility reflects how they see the market for their products also changing. While Teams subscriptions skyrocketed over the past year, recent product updates are adapting to the changing demands of a mixed future. For Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella, these changes mean redefining how success is measured.

“Employee expectations are changing, and we will need to define productivity much more broadly – inclusive of collaboration, learning and well-being, to drive career advancement for every worker, including frontline and knowledge workers, as well as for new graduates and those who are in the workforce today,” says Nadella. “All this needs to be done with flexibility in when, where, and how people work.”

Hybrid work at Google

Joining other tech giants, Google is also promoting an array of options for employees.

“The future of work at Google is flexibility,” wrote CEO Sundar Pichai on Twitter. “The majority of our employees still want to be on campus some of the time yet many would also enjoy the flexibility of working from home a couple days a week….spending time in another city for part of the year, or even moving there permanently. Google’s future workplace will have room for all of these possibilities. We’re moving to a hybrid work week with most Googlers in the office approximately 3 days a week.”

In addition to the new norm of hybrid flexibility, Google expects around 20 percent of its workforce to permanently remain remote with 60 percent hybrid. Individuals seeking to work fully remotely can apply through their functional leads.

Additionally, Google now offers up to 4 weeks Work-from-anywhere. Googlers will be able to temporarily work from a location other than their main office for up to 4 weeks per year (with manager approval),” writes Pichai. “The goal here is to give everyone more flexibility around summer and holiday travel.”

Google’s Real Estate and Workplace Services team is also developing new spaces for safe larger team gatherings and collaboration like the one pictured below in Charleston.


Permanent Remote Options at Facebook and Twitter

Social Media giants Facebook and Twitter have been very bullish on the long-term remote work option since the pandemic began. Last May, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg predicted that 50% of employees will be working remotely within the next five to 10 years.

Facebook sees the policy as an opportunity to support those who have benefitted the most from working remotely. “For example, parents who are closer to their children and are happy to cut their commute time and optimise their workday, they’re thrilled to work from home,” says Facebook VP of People Growth Brynn Harrington.

The strategy comes with some added cost saving benefits in terms of office space and market compensation. While stopping short of promising lower wages for remote workers, Harrington says, “”We pay based on the local cost of labor in a market. So there will be variability in terms of pay for remote workers, based on where they work.”

Facebook now expects offices to reach 50% capacity by September at the earliest.

Twitter has been firmly committed to a fully remote-optional future since even prior to the pandemic. After a productive day working from home in 2018, CEO Jack Dorsey began encouraging it for all employees. Officially they adopted a policy of “get to yes” on all relocation requests. Given skyrocketing housing costs and congestion, “Our concentration in San Francisco isn’t serving us anymore” Dorsey said.

For engineers especially, working from home increases time spent coding and eliminates distractions like constant meetings and office chatter. The continued commitment from these tech companies suggests that for these innovators, more options are here to stay.

Oportunitati de cariera in Norvegia

Posted 20/03/2013 By Costel Burada

Studentii Facultatii de Inginerie electrica care doresc sa afle detalii despre posibile oportunitati profesionale in Norvegia sunt invitati sa participe marti 26 martie 2013, orele 14:00, in aula Constantin Belea, la o prelegere a d-lui Frank Wikene Rodal reprezentantul firmei de recrutare Kritiskblikk.

Selecţia studenţilor pentru mobilităţi Erasmus+ outgoing

a. Criterii de eligibilitate

– Dosarul de candidatură trebuie să conţină: copia cărţii de identitate, situaţia şcolară, certificat de competenţă lingvistică, curriculum vitae şi scrisoare de intenţie redactate în limba engleză sau în limba ţării de destinaţie.

– Studenţii trebuie să fie integralişti la data evaluării / începerii stagiului;

– Nu sunt eligibili candidaţii pentru mobilităţi Erasmus+ care au beneficiat anterior, în ciclul de studii curent, de mobilităţi care însumează mai mult de 12 luni în cadrul aceluiaşi program.

b. Modul de desfăşurare a concursurilor de selecţie

Concursul de selecţie cuprinde o probă scrisă şi o probă orală. Rezultatele celor două probe se notează cu o singură notă

de la 1 la 10.

Candidatul trebuie  sa demonstreze competenţe  în  domeniul comunicării în limba ţării de destinaţie sau în limba engleză.

c. Criterii de notare

Pentru media anilor se studii, precum şi pentru nota de la probele scrisă şi orală, se alocă puncte după cum urmează:

Media anului de studii anterior / nota obţinută la probele scrisă şi orală Număr puncte acordat candidatului











Prin însumarea punctajelor rezultă nota finală obţinută la concursul de selecţie.

Candidaţii care obţin note peste 5 vor fi ierarhizaţi ulterior în procesul de selecţie în cadrul universităţilor partenere.


Healthy eating and lifestyle can help you lose weight, improve your health and wellness, and prevent risk for diseases. Despite all these benefits, it can be hard to stick to a healthy diet because eating healthy is not always easy. If you’ve been dieting for a few months, or just a few weeks, and are finding it challenging to stay consistent and motivated, you are likely not alone. Staying consistent in a diet is way more difficult than starting a healthy diet plan. If you want to know how to keep your dieting on track, here are a few tips to help you stick to your diet plan this time and make most of it. These are the Best diet pills.


1. Find your motivation

The first step on the journey is “why”. Before you even try to decide to make a change, you must first consider why you want this change. Make a list of your reasons, whether that’s a number on the scale or a special piece of your wardrobe, or fitting into a certain pair of jeans, looking your best for an event or something of bigger impact such as preventing a certain disease, improving your self-confidence, living longer and keeping up with grandchildren. Once you’ve found your motivation, then just hold on to it. Refer to this list when you feel you need a reminder. Thinking about your motivation can help you stay on track.

Take care of your health numbers while dieting. Book a test here.


2. Learn important skills

Before making healthy changes in your eating habits, you should learn few important skills, such as how to keep yourself focused and motivated every day, how to curb your food cravings, and how to get yourself back on track immediately after a cheat diet.


3. Set realistic goals

Always set small, realistic, and achievable goals as goals that are too big and unreal feel too far away to achieve. If you set your goals too high, your plan may backfire. People who expect to lose weight too quickly are more likely to get discouraged and drop out of a healthy diet and weight loss program. Small goals can help keep you going strong because being close to reaching an end target can help you hold out for a little longer.


4. Listen to your body needs

Try to understand your body’s true needs. Keeping in tune with your body’s hunger and satiety signals is important for weight loss. Teach yourself the difference between hunger and craving, and eat only when you’re hungry. Next time you feel like eating, pause for a moment and ask yourself whether your body really needs an energy boost or you’re just trying to cure your boredom.

Always respect your body and treat it with dignity. Learn to honor your dislikes. If you’ve tried a specific food several times and don’t like it, don’t eat it in compulsion. We are fortunate enough to have plenty of food options available to choose from. Eat happily and choose healthy food options. Check these Best weight loss pills.

Sure you are taking enough nutrients in diet? Check your vitamins levels here.

5. Aim for consistency, not perfection

It’s essential to keep in mind that it’s not always about perfection as much as it is about consistency. And aiming for perfection could end up disappointing you more than it helps. You cannot change your diet overnight and then become perfect with every food choice.

Don’t feel like you must avoid any temptation or unplanned cheat meals. Eat in a very healthy way but allow yourself to enjoy some of your favorite foods every once in a while, in moderation. And it’s ok to indulge a little, every now and then. It might even help your progress.

6. Plan your meals ahead

People often are not prepared to deal with their temptations before they are in front of them. A pre-planned strategy could increase your chance of success. One of the best ways to keep yourself on track is to plan your daily meal in advance so that you have healthy options on hand if you get hungry. Preparing your meals ahead of time can really help you to stay on course. If you don’t cook, then you should have some healthy ready-to-eat snacks. Chances of eating unhealthy food increase when you are hungry and don’t have anything healthy to eat. So, keep unhealthy foods out of the house or out of sight. Read more about Alpilean.


7. Do eat less but more frequently

The best and simple mantra to lose weight is eating fewer calories than you burn. But eating fewer calories doesn’t mean that you have to starve yourself, starving would only slow down the metabolic processes of the body and would harm you and affect you psychologically.

Dividing your daily calories into small frequent meals will help you control your appetite and weight. Eating small meals more frequently will fulfill your satiety levels.


8. Make your plate more colorful

The best way to get all the essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals is to include fruits and veggies that make up all the colors of the rainbow. These nutrient-rich foods are high in fiber and water and will give you a feeling of fullness and you won’t feel hungry.


9. Sip slow and more frequently

Sipping water all through the day will make you feel fuller and satisfied and you will not feel the need to eat as much. You will have fewer cravings and this will keep you from over-eating. People sometimes confuse thirst with hunger and end up eating unnecessary extra calories. At times when you feel hungry, it could be a sign of thirst. So always sip on some water first to see if the hunger persists. Dehydration can disturb electrolyte levels in your body. Check electrolytes with a quick test.


Posted 27/02/2013 By Costel Burada

Tips to Keep Your Dieting on Track and Make Most of Itdieting-tips image


Healthy eating and lifestyle can help you lose weight, improve your health and wellness, and prevent risk for diseases. Despite all these benefits, it can be hard to stick to a healthy diet because eating healthy is not always easy. If you’ve been dieting for a few months, or just a few weeks, and are finding it challenging to stay consistent and motivated, you are likely not alone. Staying consistent in a diet is way more difficult than starting a healthy diet plan. If you want to know how to keep your dieting on track, here are a few tips to help you stick to your diet plan this time and make most of it. Try out prodentim.


1. Find your motivation

The first step on the journey is “why”. Before you even try to decide to make a change, you must first consider why you want this change. Make a list of your reasons, whether that’s a number on the scale or a special piece of your wardrobe, or fitting into a certain pair of jeans, looking your best for an event or something of bigger impact such as preventing a certain disease, improving your self-confidence, living longer and keeping up with grandchildren. Once you’ve found your motivation, then just hold on to it. Refer to this list when you feel you need a reminder. Thinking about your motivation can help you stay on track.

Take care of your health numbers while dieting. Book a test here.


2. Learn important skills

Before making healthy changes in your eating habits, you should learn few important skills, such as how to keep yourself focused and motivated every day, how to curb your food cravings, and how to get yourself back on track immediately after a cheat diet.


3. Set realistic goals

Always set small, realistic, and achievable goals as goals that are too big and unreal feel too far away to achieve. If you set your goals too high, your plan may backfire. People who expect to lose weight too quickly are more likely to get discouraged and drop out of a healthy diet and weight loss program. Small goals can help keep you going strong because being close to reaching an end target can help you hold out for a little longer. Check these prodentim reviews.


4. Listen to your body needs

Try to understand your body’s true needs. Keeping in tune with your body’s hunger and satiety signals is important for weight loss. Teach yourself the difference between hunger and craving, and eat only when you’re hungry. Next time you feel like eating, pause for a moment and ask yourself whether your body really needs an energy boost or you’re just trying to cure your boredom.

Always respect your body and treat it with dignity. Learn to honor your dislikes. If you’ve tried a specific food several times and don’t like it, don’t eat it in compulsion. We are fortunate enough to have plenty of food options available to choose from. Eat happily and choose healthy food options.

Sure you are taking enough nutrients in diet? Check your vitamins levels here.

5. Aim for consistency, not perfection

It’s essential to keep in mind that it’s not always about perfection as much as it is about consistency. And aiming for perfection could end up disappointing you more than it helps. You cannot change your diet overnight and then become perfect with every food choice.

Don’t feel like you must avoid any temptation or unplanned cheat meals. Eat in a very healthy way but allow yourself to enjoy some of your favorite foods every once in a while, in moderation. And it’s ok to indulge a little, every now and then. It might even help your progress.

6. Plan your meals ahead

People often are not prepared to deal with their temptations before they are in front of them. A pre-planned strategy could increase your chance of success. One of the best ways to keep yourself on track is to plan your daily meal in advance so that you have healthy options on hand if you get hungry. Preparing your meals ahead of time can really help you to stay on course. If you don’t cook, then you should have some healthy ready-to-eat snacks. Chances of eating unhealthy food increase when you are hungry and don’t have anything healthy to eat. So, keep unhealthy foods out of the house or out of sight. Read more about alpilean.


7. Do eat less but more frequently

The best and simple mantra to lose weight is eating fewer calories than you burn. But eating fewer calories doesn’t mean that you have to starve yourself, starving would only slow down the metabolic processes of the body and would harm you and affect you psychologically.

Dividing your daily calories into small frequent meals will help you control your appetite and weight. Eating small meals more frequently will fulfill your satiety levels.


8. Make your plate more colorful

The best way to get all the essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals is to include fruits and veggies that make up all the colors of the rainbow. These nutrient-rich foods are high in fiber and water and will give you a feeling of fullness and you won’t feel hungry.


9. Sip slow and more frequently

Sipping water all through the day will make you feel fuller and satisfied and you will not feel the need to eat as much. You will have fewer cravings and this will keep you from over-eating. People sometimes confuse thirst with hunger and end up eating unnecessary extra calories. At times when you feel hungry, it could be a sign of thirst. So always sip on some water first to see if the hunger persists. Dehydration can disturb electrolyte levels in your body. Check electrolytes with a quick test.

Regulament Erasmus

Posted 27/02/2013 By Costel Burada


Have you ever looked up at the clock at the end of the workday and felt that you just didn’t get enough done? Are you working extra hours nights and weekends and still not hitting your target outcome? Why is it that you haven’t yet discovered how to be more efficient at work?

Developing a more streamlined and effective way of managing your work-related tasks doesn’t just make you more productive – it also leaves you with more free time to spend however you like, whether you’re improving yourself or relaxing. Learn more info on digital workspaces.

Unlock a new level of focus with Tony’s priming exercise



Work efficiency is the ability to get the most output from the least possible input. It means doing more with less. Working smarter, not harder. When you improve efficiency, you’re able to get a larger output from the same amount of input – or even less. For employees, this means being able to get more done in a finite amount of time: the workday.

You can calculate work efficiency with this formula: output / input = efficiency. The output in the formula is the standard labor hours. The input is the actual number of hours you or your employees worked. Then multiply it by 100 to get a percentage. That’s your work efficiency.


Our beliefs about productivity and work efficiency can actually hold us back from achieving our goals. To improve efficiency, stop buying into these three common myths.


Our society is a “cult of busy” that has trained us to think that we’re being productive if we are constantly working on something. But being buried beneath a pile of tasks that shows no sign of abating is not the way to improve efficiency. Stop mistaking movement for achievement and start prioritizing. True productivity is achieving your desired results with less effort and time.


Multitasking isn’t a must – it’s a myth. The truth is that if you’re doing everything at once, you’re really not doing much at all. “Where focus goes, energy flows” – and multitasking fractures that focus so your energy is flowing in all different directions. It’s much more efficient to give your full focus to one task at a time in order of priority.


Working from home is on the rise – and some employees are feeling more distracted and less productive. In the long term, ditching rigid 9-to-5 schedules and long commutes will lead to greater work efficiency, not less. The key here is to create an environment with as few distractions as possible and to break bad habits that decrease your productivity.


Any self-improvement plan takes time and dedication to implement, and learning how to work efficiently is no different. You’re essentially forming new habits that will contribute to your productivity instead of detracting from it. Here are some strategies to get you started:


Setting goals is critical to success. We can create goals to help shape our paths – this can be an effective way to improve work efficiency. Unfortunately, we may not have assigned realistic deadlines to those goals – or we may have reached too high. Compelling goals are important, but you also need to assess how much time and resources your goal(s) requires. We often think we can skip from step A to Z to reach our goal, when in reality there are lots of steps in between that need to be accounted for. Keep your end goal (Z) in mind, but don’t overestimate the importance of steps B, C, D and so on.

Setting reasonable goals also helps you focus on the goal itself and the desired outcome. When your goal is too lofty to attain or is not defined, you can’t clarify it or properly focus your mind and efforts on it.

work efficiency


how to improve efficiency

If you find yourself feeling buried in work, jumping from task to task with no clear strategy or struggling with work efficiency, you may need to refine your time management skills. Familiarize yourself with processes like chunking to group tasks together based on outcome so you feel less overwhelmed and more organized.

For example, if you are using chunking to organize your day, place tasks like answering emails and following up on phone calls toward the beginning when you’re fresher, and move errands that don’t require a great deal of thought, like picking up pet food, toward the end.

When you improve efficiency through time management skills, you reduce stress as well as get more things done, creating a loop that enables you to accomplish even more.


We spend the majority of our day staring at a screen of some kind. While heavy computer use might be part of your job, digital devices can be a major distraction and social media platforms can even harm your health. Improve your work efficiency by stepping away from your smartphone or computer. Take written notes during a meeting and see if your thoughts flow more freely.

There’s nothing inherently wrong with digital devices, but providing yourself with a small break from your normal processes can challenge your mind to work in new, productive ways. You may find that your memory improves when you’re writing something down by hand instead of typing it.

If you’re being distracted by social media or other sites but still need your computer to get work done, disconnect from the Internet or consider downloading a productivity app for your browser that only allows access to work-related sites. When you can’t easily click over to Facebook or another distracting site, you can focus on the task at hand and vastly increase efficiency. Putting your phone out of sight and on silent while you work on a project is another way to improve efficiency at work – think of all you can get down without scrolling through mobile apps or being tempted to discuss weekend plans with your friends and loved ones.


Whether it’s because we feel pressure from ourselves or those around us, we sometimes take on tasks that we don’t need to. We’re so set on proving that we’re capable of multitasking that we take on tasks we could just as easily delegate to others. We associate the word “No” with missed opportunities or failure, but that’s not the case at all.

Learn how to say no when your plate is already full or you lack interest in a task. If you can delegate smaller tasks to those around you, do so. Freeing up your schedule allows you to focus more closely on assignments that really matter to you and will help you increase efficiency at work.

how to be more efficient


efficient at work

Stuck on an idea? Feeling like you have so much work that you don’t know where to begin? Worrying that you have too much to do can create its own sort of mental roadblock. Before you know it, you’ll have spent a day agonizing over what to do first or how to get it done. That’s a quick way to get nothing done.

If your focus is stuck on a project that you can’t make any headway on, your energy becomes blocked and work efficiency grinds to a halt. Take a break. Do something completely unrelated to the task at hand. Go on a walk. Do some yoga. Listen to music. Changing your focus can help you change your state, so when you do return to work, you feel refreshed and ready to tackle your project with new eyes. Build in multiple breaks during your workday to give yourself time to relax and regroup and you’ll find that work efficiency naturally increases.


People who know how to be more efficient at work and consistently accomplish their goals do so by creating sustainable habits. Develop a routine that puts you in the best possible state to be productive at work. Routines look different for everyone, so find the one that leaves you feeling your best. You may end up at the gym for an hour every morning, or taking a long walk at lunch to release some stress. One of Tony’s habits is a morning priming exercise where he adjusts his thoughts and emotions for the day.

Understanding the mind-body connection can help you see that a mindful priming exercise not only helps you improve efficiency, but it can also help you unlock an extraordinary life. When you create a routine that makes you feel happy, healthy and clear-minded, your work efficiency will skyrocket.

workplace efficiency



Perfection is an illusion that causes stress and can lead to limiting beliefs that impede your level of success. Understanding and accepting that nothing will ever be done perfectly helps you get tasks done without crippling expectations. It also helps you embrace setbacks as learning experiences; when you stop fearing failure, you’ll be less inclined to procrastinate, as we often put things off to avoid failure.

To help curb your perfectionism, listen to and alter your self-talk. Treat yourself with kindness and cut yourself some slack if you don’t perform up to your high standards in some cases. When you let go of perfectionism and start focusing instead on progress, you will increase efficiency as well as overall well-being.


A comfortable work environment has always been important to productivity. Now, with some industries expecting the percentage of permanent remote employees to double in 2021, it is increasingly up to employees to improve this aspect of work efficiency. First ensure you have all the tools you need to do your job well: multiple monitors, ergonomic seating, a printer or scanner and so on.

Next, look at how pleasant and inspiring your space is. Is your desk clear – or cluttered? Do you have music playing that sparks your creativity? Is there artwork on the walls that puts you in a positive mood? Improving your work efficiency requires an office setup that allows it. If you’re not sure how to make your office more conducive to your work, consider working with an interior designer or functional office consultant for advice.xa

Mobilitati Erasmus – Personal didactic

Posted 27/02/2013 By Costel Burada

Mobilităţi ale personalului didactic
Personalul Facultăţii de Inginerie Electrică poate beneficia de mobilităţi în cadrul programului Erasmus la universităţi partenere, în urma unui proces de selecţie şi în limita fondurilor alocate de către Agenţia Naţională pentru Programe Comunitare în Domeniul Educaţiei şi Formării Profesionale.

a. Mobilităţi de predare ale cadrelor didactice – permit personalului să predea o perioadă cuprinsă între 1 zi (sau cel puţin 5 ore de predare) şi 6 săptămâni, într-o instituţie de învăţământ superior dintr-o altă ţară participantă. Se recomandă o durată minimă de 5 zile lucrătoare.

Misiunile de predare pot fi realizate de cadre didactice din instituţii de învăţământ superior şi de personal invitat din întreprinderi. În toate cazurile, activităţile personalului care efectuează o misiune de predare trebuie să fie integrate în curriculum-ul instituţiei gazdă. Instituţiile de învăţământ superior partenere trebuie să fi convenit în prealabil asupra programului de activităţi pe care urmează să le desfăşoare profesorii participanţi (programul de predare).

b. Mobilităţi de formare ale personalului universitar – permit cadrelor didactice şi altor categorii de personal din instituţii de învăţământ superior să participe la o perioada de formare cu o durată între 5 zile lucrătoare şi 6 săptămâni într-o instituţie de învăţământ superior dintr-o alta ţară participantă la program.

Obiectivele acestui tip de mobilităţi sunt:
– să permită personalului din învăţământul superior să acumuleze cunoştinţe sau know-how din experienţe şi bune practici în străinătate, precum şi deprinderi practice relevante pentru funcţia lor actuală şi pentru dezvoltarea lor profesională;
– să ajute la dezvoltarea relaţiilor de colaborare între instituţiile de învăţământ superior.

Mobilitatea poate avea mai multe forme: scurtă perioadă de detaşare, observare la locul de muncă, vizită de studii, atelier, conferinţă, etc. Beneficiarii trebuie să prezinte instituţiei de origine un plan de lucru aprobat de instituţia gazda. Planul trebuie să conţină cel puţin: scopul şi obiectivele generale, rezultatele scontate în urma activităţilor de formare sau de învăţare ce urmează a fi realizate, precum şi un program pentru perioada de mobilitate.

Sursa: Ministerul Educaţiei Naţionale, Agentia Nationala pentru Programe Comunitare in Domeniul Educatiei şi Formarii Profesionale (ANPCDEFP) http://www.anpcdefp.ro

Mobilitati Erasmus – Studenti

Posted 27/02/2013 By Costel Burada

Mobilităţi studenţeşti
Studenţii Facultăţii de Inginerie Electrică pot beneficia de mobilităţi în cadrul programului Erasmus la universităţi partenere, în urma unui proces de selecţie şi în limita fondurilor alocate de către Agenţia Naţională pentru Programe Comunitare în Domeniul Educaţiei şi Formării Profesionale.
Studenţilor li se acordă un grant pentru a-i ajuta să acopere cheltuielile de transport şi subzistenţă în străinătate.
Studenţii Erasmus sunt scutiţi de plata taxelor de şcolarizare, înscriere, examen şi acces la laboratoare şi la bibliotecă în instituţia gazdă.
Pe perioada mobilităţilor Erasmus în străinătate, studenţii trebuie să primească în continuare orice bursă sau împrumut de care beneficiau în ţara lor de origine.
Studenţii cu nevoi speciale pot solicita un grant specific după ce au fost selectaţi pentru o perioada de mobilitate.

a. Mobilităţi studenţeşti de studiu – permit studenţilor din instituţii de învăţământ superior să efectueze o perioadă de studii integrate de 3 pana la 12 luni într-o altă tară participantă la program. Sunt destinate studenţilor din ciclurile de licenţă şi master.

Înainte de plecare, studenţii Erasmus semnează un contract pentru studii care include:
▪ un “contract de studiu” ce conţine programul de studiu; acest contract trebuie aprobat şi semnat de instituţia de învăţământ de origine, de instituţia gazdă şi de către student;
▪ “Carta studentului Erasmus” care precizează drepturile şi obligaţiile studenţilor pe perioada de studii în străinătate.
La sfârşitul perioadei petrecute în străinătate, instituţia gazdă pune la dispoziţia studentului Erasmus şi a instituţiei sale de origine o foaie matricolă prin care se confirmă că programul convenit s-a încheiat, precum şi rezultatele obţinute. Instituţia de învăţământ superior de origine trebuie să recunoască pe deplin perioada petrecută în străinătate, conform contractului de studiu, de preferinţă folosind sistemul de credite ECTS. Perioada de mobilitate Erasmus trebuie inclusă şi în Suplimentul la Diploma.

b. Mobilităţi studenţeşti de plasament – permit studenţilor din instituţii de învăţământ superior să efectueze un plasament cu o durată cuprinsă între 3 luni şi 12 luni, într-o organizaţie dintr-o altă ţară participantă. Sunt destinate studenţilor din anii terminali, ciclurile de licenţă şi master, precum şi studenţilor doctoranzi.
Organizaţiile gazdă pentru plasamente studenţeşti pot fi întreprinderi, centre de formare, centre de cercetare şi alte organizaţii, inclusiv instituţii de învăţământ superior.

Înainte de plecare, studenţii semnează un contract de plasament care include:
▪ un “contract de formare” ce conţine programul plasamentului; acest contract trebuie aprobat şi semnat de instituţia de învăţământ de origine, de instituţia gazdă şi de către student;
▪ un “angajament pentru calitate în mobilitate” care precizează drepturile şi obligaţiile tuturor părţilor participante în mod specific la plasamentul în străinătate;
– „Carta studentului Erasmus” care conţine drepturile şi obligaţiile studentului în perioada mobilităţii.
La sfârşitul perioadei petrecute în străinătate, instituţia de învăţământ superior de origine trebuie să recunoască pe deplin perioada petrecută în străinătate, conform contractului de formare, de preferinţă folosind sistemul de credite ECTS. În cazul special al unei perioade de plasament care nu este inclusă în curriculum-ul studentului, instituţia care îl trimite trebuie să recunoască acest plasament cel puţin prin intermediul Suplimentului la diplomă.

Sursa: Ministerul Educaţiei Naţionale, Agentia Nationala pentru Programe Comunitare in Domeniul Educatiei şi Formarii Profesionale (ANPCDEFP) http://www.anpcdefp.ro


Posted 27/02/2013 By Costel Burada
Pet experts weigh in with smart ways to boost your furry pals’ health throughout this year and beyond.

The New Year is a time of fresh starts and life changes, and who couldn’t use that after the year we’ve just had? Even pets can benefit from starting new, healthy habits, Natalie Marks, DVM, CVJ, co-founder of Top Vets Talk Pets, says. “I think most people would agree that one of the few bright spots in 2020 was the companionship and love of their pets. So while we’re all making resolutions for the year to come, it’s equally important to think about ways to provide the best physical and emotional health for our cats and dogs.”

But don’t stress, making tweaks to your pet’s routine doesn’t have to be overwhelming. “Even making the smallest changes to your pet’s life now can pay off later—those good habits add up over time,” says Michele Pietrzak, DVM, medical director of VCA Met Vet West. This is the best topical flea treatment.

Consider these resolutions to get the New Year started off on the right paw for your pet.

1. Be Active Everyday

Boredom is the root of many behavior problems in cats and dogs. To keep pets happy (and healthy!), daily exercise is a must, Pietrzak says. Besides taking your dog on a walk, you can also play fetch indoors, run around the house together, or even train your dog to walk on a treadmill. Cats enjoy chasing and pouncing on toys and climbing up cat towers.

2. Switch to a Healthier Diet

Have you walked down a pet store’s food aisles lately? The options of what to feed your cat or dog seem endless. It’s easy to see why someone might just pull the nearest bag off the shelf and go. But cats and dogs have very specific nutrition and diet requirements for how much proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and calories they need each day, Marks explains. The best diet for your pet also depends on their age and disease conditions. Talk to your veterinarian to get a pet food recommendation that you know you can trust.

3. Do Something Fun Every Day

“This year has shown us what it’s like to stay home every day and it can be very stressful,” Pietrzak says. “Humans hate to be bored and so do our pets.”

Make sure your pet has a variety of toys to play with and brain games because mental stimulation is important. You can hide treats or kibble around the house for your pet to find or use a puzzle feeder to make a game out of feeding time. You can also teach your pet a new trick, which helps keep their mind sharp and strengthens your bond.

“Even the TV or radio can provide enrichment for your furry pal when you can’t be there,” Pietrzak notes. “But when you’re home, don’t forget to talk to your pets. They’re the best listeners.”

4. Spruce Up the Home

Show your furry pal how much you appreciate them by adding a few pet-friendly touches to your space. For cats, think about adding another litter box, scratching post, or cat tree to the house. Dogs might like a cushy new bed and some calming music.

Want your pet to relax more? Both cats and dogs respond to stress-relieving pheromone diffusers and sprays.

“One of my clients thought their cat was bored and made a resolution to provide more fun for their kitty,” Shawna Huston, DVM, medical director of VCA West Shore Animal Hospital, recalls. “I recommended adding a window perch and setting up a bird feeder outside the window. Now the cat loves to sit there for hours watching all the animals.”


5. Try Something New

Is there an activity you have always wanted to try with your pet? This is a great time to enroll in classes to learn something new together. If your pet loves people and you want to help others, consider training to become an animal-assisted therapy team. Dogs with boundless energy may enjoy dog sports like canine agility or dock diving. Inquisitive dogs also enjoy the mental stimulation of canine nosework. If you have a pet who loves to work and train, check out specialized training classes in your area. You may even be able to train your pet well enough to participate in obedience competitions. Some animals can even be trained to perform a special job, like search-and-rescue assistance.